

ImaginAIry šŸ¤–šŸ§ 

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AI imagined images. Pythonic generation of stable diffusion images and videos *!.

"just works" on Linux and macOS(M1) (and sometimes windows).

# on macOS, make sure rust is installed first
# be sure to use Python 3.10, Python 3.11 is not supported at the moment
>> pip install imaginairy
>> imagine "a scenic landscape" "a photo of a dog" "photo of a fruit bowl" "portrait photo of a freckled woman" "a bluejay"
# Make an AI video
>> aimg videogen --start-image rocket.png

Stable Video Diffusion

<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/svd-rocket.gif" height="190"> <img src="docs/assets/svd-athens.gif" height="190"> <img src="docs/assets/svd-pearl-girl.gif" height="190"> <img src="docs/assets/svd-starry-night.gif" height="190"> <img src="docs/assets/svd-dog.gif" height="190"> <img src="docs/assets/svd-xpbliss.gif" height="190"> </p>

Rushed release of Stable Diffusion Video!

Works with Nvidia GPUs. Does not work on Mac or CPU.

On Windows you'll need to install torch 2.0 first via https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/

Usage: aimg videogen [OPTIONS]

  AI generate a video from an image


      aimg videogen --start-image assets/rocket-wide.png

  --start-image TEXT       Input path for image file.
  --num-frames INTEGER     Number of frames.
  --num-steps INTEGER      Number of steps.
  --model TEXT             Model to use. One of: svd, svd_xt, svd_image_decoder, svd_xt_image_decoder
  --fps INTEGER            FPS for the AI to target when generating video
  --output-fps INTEGER     FPS for the output video
  --motion-amount INTEGER  How much motion to generate. value between 0 and 255.
  -r, --repeats INTEGER    How many times to repeat the renders.   [default: 1]
  --cond-aug FLOAT         Conditional augmentation.
  --seed INTEGER           Seed for random number generator.
  --decoding_t INTEGER     Number of frames decoded at a time.
  --output_folder TEXT     Output folder.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/026882_1_ddim50_PS7.5_a_scenic_landscape_[generated].jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/026884_1_ddim50_PS7.5_photo_of_a_dog_[generated].jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/026890_1_ddim50_PS7.5_photo_of_a_bowl_of_fruit._still_life_[generated].jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/026885_1_ddim50_PS7.5_girl_with_a_pearl_earring_[generated].jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/026891_1_ddim50_PS7.5_close-up_photo_of_a_bluejay_[generated].jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/026893_1_ddim50_PS7.5_macro_photo_of_a_flower_[generated].jpg" height="256"> </p>

Whats New

See full Changelog here








Run API server and StableStudio web interface (alpha)

Generate images via API or web interface. Much smaller featureset compared to the command line tool.

>> aimg server

Visit http://localhost:8000/ and http://localhost:8000/docs

<img src="https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableStudio/blob/a65d4877ad7d309627808a169818f1add8c278ae/misc/GenerateScreenshot.png?raw=true" width="512">

Image Structure Control by ControlNet

(Not supported for SDXL yet)

Generate images guided by body poses, depth maps, canny edges, hed boundaries, or normal maps.

Openpose Control

imagine --control-image assets/indiana.jpg  --control-mode openpose --caption-text openpose "photo of a polar bear"
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/indiana.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/indiana-pose.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/indiana-pose-polar-bear.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Canny Edge Control

imagine --control-image assets/lena.png  --control-mode canny "photo of a woman with a hat looking at the camera"
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/lena.png" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/lena-canny.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/lena-canny-generated.jpg" height="256"> </p>

HED Boundary Control

imagine --control-image dog.jpg  --control-mode hed  "photo of a dalmation"
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/000032_337692011_PLMS40_PS7.5_a_photo_of_a_dog.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/dog-hed-boundary.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/dog-hed-boundary-dalmation.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Depth Map Control

imagine --control-image fancy-living.jpg  --control-mode depth  "a modern living room"
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/fancy-living.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/fancy-living-depth.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/fancy-living-depth-generated.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Normal Map Control

imagine --control-image bird.jpg  --control-mode normal  "a bird"
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/013986_1_kdpmpp2m59_PS7.5_a_bluejay_[generated].jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/bird-normal.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/bird-normal-generated.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Image Shuffle Control

Generates the image based on elements of the control image. Kind of similar to style transfer.

imagine --control-image pearl-girl.jpg  --control-mode shuffle  "a clown"

The middle image is the "shuffled" input image

<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/pearl_shuffle_019331_1_kdpmpp2m15_PS7.5_img2img-0.0_a_clown.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/pearl_shuffle_clown_019331_1_kdpmpp2m15_PS7.5_img2img-0.0_a_clown.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Editing Instructions Control

Similar to instructPix2Pix (below) but works with any SD 1.5 based model.

imagine --control-image pearl-girl.jpg  --control-mode edit --init-image-strength 0.01 --steps 30  --negative-prompt "" --model openjourney-v2 "make it anime" "make it at the beach" 
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/pearl_anime_019537_521829407_kdpmpp2m30_PS9.0_img2img-0.01_make_it_anime.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/pearl_beach_019561_862735879_kdpmpp2m30_PS7.0_img2img-0.01_make_it_at_the_beach.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Add Details Control (upscaling/super-resolution)

Replaces existing details in an image. Good to use with --init-image-strength 0.2

imagine --control-image "assets/wishbone.jpg" --control-mode details "sharp focus, high-resolution" --init-image-strength 0.2 --steps 30 -w 2048 -h 2048 
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/wishbone_headshot_badscale.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/wishbone_headshot_details.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Image (re)Colorization (using brightness control)

Colorize black and white images or re-color existing images.

The generated colors will be applied back to the original image. You can either provide a caption or allow the tool to generate one for you.

aimg colorize pearl-girl.jpg --caption "photo of a woman"
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/pearl-gray.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/pearl-recolor-a.jpg" height="256"> </p>

Instruction based image edits by InstructPix2Pix

(Broken as of 14.0.0)

Just tell imaginairy how to edit the image and it will do it for you!

<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/scenic_landscape_winter.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/dog_red.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/bowl_of_fruit_strawberries.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/freckled_woman_cyborg.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/014214_51293814_kdpmpp2m30_PS10.0_img2img-1.0_make_the_bird_wear_a_cowboy_hat_[generated].jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/flower-make-the-flower-out-of-paper-origami.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/girl-pearl-clown-compare.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/mona-lisa-headshot-anim.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/make-it-night-time.gif" height="256"> </p> <details> <summary>Click to see shell commands</summary> Use prompt strength to control how strong the edit is. For extra control you can combine with prompt-based masking.
# enter imaginairy shell
>> aimg
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit scenic_landscape.jpg -p "make it winter" --prompt-strength 20
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit dog.jpg -p "make the dog red" --prompt-strength 5
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit bowl_of_fruit.jpg -p "replace the fruit with strawberries"
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit freckled_woman.jpg -p "make her a cyborg" --prompt-strength 13
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit bluebird.jpg -p "make the bird wear a cowboy hat" --prompt-strength 10
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit flower.jpg -p "make the flower out of paper origami" --arg-schedule prompt-strength[1:11:0.3]  --steps 25 --compilation-anim gif

# create a comparison gif
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit pearl_girl.jpg -p "make her wear clown makeup" --compare-gif
# create an animation showing the edit with increasing prompt strengths
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit mona-lisa.jpg -p "make it a color professional photo headshot" --negative-prompt "old, ugly, blurry" --arg-schedule "prompt-strength[2:8:0.5]" --compilation-anim gif
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit gg-bridge.jpg -p "make it night time" --prompt-strength 15  --steps 30 --arg-schedule prompt-strength[1:15:1] --compilation-anim gif

Quick Image Edit Demo

Want just quickly have some fun? Try edit-demo to apply some pre-defined edits.

>> aimg edit-demo pearl_girl.jpg
<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/girl_with_a_pearl_earring_suprise.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/mona-lisa-suprise.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/luke-suprise.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/spock-suprise.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/gg-bridge-suprise.gif" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/shire-suprise.gif" height="256"> </p>

Prompt Based Masking by clipseg

Specify advanced text based masks using boolean logic and strength modifiers. Mask syntax:

When writing strength modifiers keep in mind that pixel values are between 0 and 1.

>> imagine \
    --init-image pearl_earring.jpg \
    --mask-prompt "face AND NOT (bandana OR hair OR blue fabric){*6}" \
    --mask-mode keep \
    --init-image-strength .2 \
    --fix-faces \
    "a modern female president" "a female robot" "a female doctor" "a female firefighter"

<img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/pearl000.jpg" height="200">āž”ļø <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/pearl_pres.png" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/pearl_robot.png" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/pearl_doctor.png" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/pearl_firefighter.png" height="200">

>> imagine \
    --init-image fruit-bowl.jpg \
    --mask-prompt "fruit OR fruit stem{*6}" \
    --mask-mode replace \
    --mask-modify-original \
    --init-image-strength .1 \
    "a bowl of kittens" "a bowl of gold coins" "a bowl of popcorn" "a bowl of spaghetti"

<img src="docs/assets/000056_293284644_PLMS40_PS7.5_photo_of_a_bowl_of_fruit.jpg" height="200">āž”ļø <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/bowl004.jpg" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/bowl001.jpg" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/bowl002.jpg" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/mask_examples/bowl003.jpg" height="200">

Face Enhancement by CodeFormer

>> imagine "a couple smiling" --steps 40 --seed 1 --fix-faces

<img src="https://github.com/brycedrennan/imaginAIry/raw/master/assets/000178_1_PLMS40_PS7.5_a_couple_smiling_nofix.png" height="256"> āž”ļø <img src="https://github.com/brycedrennan/imaginAIry/raw/master/assets/000178_1_PLMS40_PS7.5_a_couple_smiling_fixed.png" height="256">

Image Upscaling

Upscale images easily.

=== "CLI" bash aimg upscale assets/000206_856637805_PLMS40_PS7.5_colorful_smoke.jpg --upscale-model real-hat

=== "Python" ```py from imaginairy.api.upscale import upscale

img = upscale(img="assets/000206_856637805_PLMS40_PS7.5_colorful_smoke.jpg")


<img src="docs/assets/000206_856637805_PLMS40_PS7.5_colorful_smoke.jpg" width="25%" height="auto"> āž”ļø <img src="docs/assets/000206_856637805_PLMS40_PS7.5_colorful_smoke_upscaled.jpg" width="50%" height="auto">

Upscaling uses Spandrel to make it easy to use different upscaling models. You can view different integrated models by running aimg upscale --list-models, and then use it with --upscale-model <model-name>. Also accepts url's if you want to upscale an image with a different model. Control the new file format/location with --format.

from imaginairy.enhancers.upscale_realesrgan import upscale_image
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open("my-image.jpg")
big_img = upscale_image(i)

Tiled Images

>> imagine  "gold coins" "a lush forest" "piles of old books" leaves --tile

<img src="docs/assets/000066_801493266_PLMS40_PS7.5_gold_coins.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000066_801493266_PLMS40_PS7.5_gold_coins.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000066_801493266_PLMS40_PS7.5_gold_coins.jpg" height="128"> <img src="docs/assets/000118_597948545_PLMS40_PS7.5_a_lush_forest.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000118_597948545_PLMS40_PS7.5_a_lush_forest.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000118_597948545_PLMS40_PS7.5_a_lush_forest.jpg" height="128"> <br> <img src="docs/assets/000075_961095192_PLMS40_PS7.5_piles_of_old_books.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000075_961095192_PLMS40_PS7.5_piles_of_old_books.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000075_961095192_PLMS40_PS7.5_piles_of_old_books.jpg" height="128"> <img src="docs/assets/000040_527733581_PLMS40_PS7.5_leaves.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000040_527733581_PLMS40_PS7.5_leaves.jpg" height="128"><img src="docs/assets/000040_527733581_PLMS40_PS7.5_leaves.jpg" height="128">

360 degree images

imagine --tile-x -w 1024 -h 512 "360 degree equirectangular panorama photograph of the desert"  --upscale
<img src="docs/assets/desert_360.jpg" height="128">


Use depth maps for amazing "translations" of existing images.

>> imagine --init-image girl_with_a_pearl_earring_large.jpg --init-image-strength 0.05  "professional headshot photo of a woman with a pearl earring" -r 4 -w 1024 -h 1024 --steps 50
<p float="left"> <img src="tests/data/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg" width="256"> āž”ļø <img src="docs/assets/pearl_depth_1.jpg" width="256"> <img src="docs/assets/pearl_depth_2.jpg" width="256"> </p>


Given a starting image, one can generate it's "surroundings".

Example: imagine --init-image pearl-earring.jpg --init-image-strength 0 --outpaint all250,up0,down600 "woman standing"

<img src="tests/data/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg" height="256"> āž”ļø <img src="tests/expected_output/test_outpainting_outpaint_.png" height="256">

Work with different generation models

<p float="left"> <img src="docs/assets/fairytale-treehouse-sd15.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/fairytale-treehouse-openjourney-v1.jpg" height="256"> <img src="docs/assets/fairytale-treehouse-openjourney-v2.jpg" height="256"> </p> <details> <summary>Click to see shell command</summary>
imagine "valley, fairytale treehouse village covered, , matte painting, highly detailed, dynamic lighting, cinematic, realism, realistic, photo real, sunset, detailed, high contrast, denoised, centered, michael whelan" --steps 60 --seed 1 --arg-schedule model[sd14,sd15,sd20,sd21,openjourney-v1,openjourney-v2] --arg-schedule "caption-text[sd14,sd15,sd20,sd21,openjourney-v1,openjourney-v2]"

Prompt Expansion

You can use {} to randomly pull values from lists. A list of values separated by | and enclosed in { } will be randomly drawn from in a non-repeating fashion. Values that are surrounded by _ _ will pull from a phrase list of the same name. Folders containing .txt phraselist files may be specified via --prompt_library_path. The option may be specified multiple times. Built-in categories:

  3d-term, adj-architecture, adj-beauty, adj-detailed, adj-emotion, adj-general, adj-horror, animal, art-scene, art-movement, 
  art-site, artist, artist-botanical, artist-surreal, aspect-ratio, bird, body-of-water, body-pose, camera-brand,
  camera-model, color, cosmic-galaxy, cosmic-nebula, cosmic-star, cosmic-term, desktop-background, dinosaur, eyecolor, f-stop, 
  fantasy-creature, fantasy-setting, fish, flower, focal-length, food, fruit, games, gen-modifier, hair, hd,
  iso-stop, landscape-type, national-park, nationality, neg-weight, noun-beauty, noun-fantasy, noun-general, 
  noun-horror, occupation, painting-style, photo-term, pop-culture, pop-location, punk-style, quantity, rpg-item, scenario-desc, 
  skin-color, spaceship, style, tree-species, trippy, world-heritage-site


imagine "a {lime|blue|silver|aqua} colored dog" -r 4 --seed 0 (note that it generates a dog of each color without repetition)

<img src="docs/assets/000184_0_plms40_PS7.5_a_silver_colored_dog_[generated].jpg" height="200"><img src="docs/assets/000186_0_plms40_PS7.5_a_aqua_colored_dog_[generated].jpg" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/000210_0_plms40_PS7.5_a_lime_colored_dog_[generated].jpg" height="200"> <img src="docs/assets/000211_0_plms40_PS7.5_a_blue_colored_dog_[generated].jpg" height="200">

imagine "a {_color_} dog" -r 4 --seed 0 will generate four, different colored dogs. The colors will be pulled from an included phraselist of colors.

imagine "a {_spaceship_|_fruit_|hot air balloon}. low-poly" -r 4 --seed 0 will generate images of spaceships or fruits or a hot air balloon

<details> <summary>Python example</summary>
from imaginairy.enhancers.prompt_expansion import expand_prompts

my_prompt = "a giant {_animal_}"

expanded_prompts = expand_prompts(n=10, prompt_text=my_prompt, prompt_library_paths=["./prompts"])

Credit to noodle-soup-prompts where most, but not all, of the wordlists originate.

Generate image captions (via BLIP)

>> aimg describe assets/mask_examples/bowl001.jpg
a bowl full of gold bars sitting on a table

Example Use Cases

>> aimg
# Generate endless 8k art
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > imagine -w 1920 -h 1080 --upscale "{_art-scene_}. {_painting-style_} by {_artist_}" -r 1000 --steps 30 --model sd21v

# generate endless desktop backgrounds 
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > imagine --tile "{_desktop-background_}" -r 100

# convert a folder of images to pencil sketches
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > edit other/images/*.jpg -p "make it a pencil sketch"

# upscale a folder of images
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > upscale my-images/*.jpg

# generate kitchen remodel ideas
šŸ¤–šŸ§ > imagine --control-image kitchen.jpg -w 1024 -h 1024 "{_interior-style_} kitchen" --control-mode depth -r 100 --init-image 0.01 --upscale --steps 35 --caption-text "{prompt}"

Additional Features

How To

For full command line instructions run aimg --help

from imaginairy import imagine, imagine_image_files, ImaginePrompt, WeightedPrompt, LazyLoadingImage

url = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Thomas_Cole_-_Architect%E2%80%99s_Dream_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/540px-Thomas_Cole_-_Architect%E2%80%99s_Dream_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg"
prompts = [
    ImaginePrompt("a scenic landscape", seed=1, upscale=True),
    ImaginePrompt("a bowl of fruit"),
        WeightedPrompt("cat", weight=1),
        WeightedPrompt("dog", weight=1),
        "a spacious building", 
        "a bowl of strawberries", 
        mask_prompt="fruit OR stem{*2}",  # amplify the stem mask x2
    ImaginePrompt("strawberries", tile_mode=True),
for result in imagine(prompts):
    # do something

# or

imagine_image_files(prompts, outdir="./my-art")


Running in Docker

See example Dockerfile (works on machine where you can pass the gpu into the container)

docker build . -t imaginairy
# you really want to map the cache or you end up wasting a lot of time and space redownloading the model weights
docker run -it --gpus all -v $HOME/.cache/huggingface:/root/.cache/huggingface -v $HOME/.cache/torch:/root/.cache/torch -v `pwd`/outputs:/outputs imaginairy /bin/bash

Running on Google Colab

Example Colab


Q: How do I change the cache directory for where models are stored?

A: Set the HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE environment variable.

Q: How do I free up disk space?

A: The AI models are cached in ~/.cache/ (or HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE). To delete the cache remove the following folders:

Not Supported