

Data Efficient 3D Learner via Knowledge Transferred from 2D Model

This is the implementation of our ECCV'22 "Data Efficient 3D Learner via Knowledge Transferred from 2D Model"


We use a strong and well-trained image scene parser to augment single view RGB-D datasets with pseudo-labels, which is used to pre-train a 3D model in an architecture agnostic manner. Our pre-training improves the results of the limited annotation training.

Preparation & Installation


Download the 3D dataset ScanNet and pre-process by following command python tools/scannet.py --run process_scannet --path_in <scannet_folder> --path_out data/scannet

You can download the filelist to split train, valid, and test subset by command

python tools/scannet.py --run download_filelists

Pre-traind model weights

We utilize RGB-D dataset Matterport3D to pre-train 3D models. The pre-trained weight is provided in link. To fine-tune or evaluate the following cases, the pre-trained weight needs to be downloaded and placed in ckpt


The codes have been run on Ubuntu20 and PyTorch1.7.

conda create --name 3DLearner python=3.7
conda activate 3DLearner``
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev==10.2
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
sudo apt-get install openexr
sudo apt-get install libopenexr-dev
pip install -r requirement.txt

Follow O-CNN tutorial to install ocnn package, or run the commands below:

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/O-CNN.git
cd octree/external && git clone --recursive https://github.com/wang-ps/octree-ext.git
cd .. && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..  && cmake --build . --config Release
export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH
cd pytorch
python setup.py install --build_octree
python -W ignore test/test_all.py -v

Training and Testing


Limited Annotations training

python LA_segmentation.py --config config/LA_scannet.yaml

Limited Recontructions training

python LR_segmentation.py --config config/LR_scannet.yaml


To evaluate our pretraining model on validation set, we provide the trained model weights here. You can replace SOLVER.ckpt with the directory of checkpoint file in config/scannet_val.yaml.

python segmentation.py --config config/scannet_val.yaml

Customized Pre-training

You can choose any RGB-D dataset as you want, and all you need is to convert the image type into point-cloud forms by pre-processingtool/preprocess.py. We provide the soft-label pre-training scripts by following command.

Data preparation

Download RGB-D dataset Matterport3D document and pre-process by following command python tools/mp3d.py --run process_mp3d --path_in <mp3d_folder> --path_out data/mp3d

Image scene parser

Download the well-trained scene parser weights in DPT repository. We utilize dpt_hybrid-ade20k-53898607.pt in our paper.


python softlabel_segmentation --config config/seg_mp3d.yaml


Many thanks to these practical open source projects: