

Laravel 4 w/ Vagrant

A basic Ubuntu 12.04 Vagrant setup with Laravel4 and PHP 5.5. PHP 5.4 w/ Apache 2.2 is available on the php54 branch.



Note: You may have to change permissions on the www/app/storage folder to 777 under the host OS

For example: chmod -R 777 www/app/storage/


Some basic information on interacting with the vagrant box

Port Forwards

Default MySQL/PostgreSQL Database


Accessible at http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin using MySQL access credentials above.

PHP XDebug

XDebug is included in the build but disabled by default because of the effect it can have on performance.

To enable XDebug:

  1. Set the variable $use_xdebug = "1" at the beginning of puppet/manifests/phpbase.pp
  2. Then you will need to provision the box either with vagrant up or by running the command vagrant provision if the box is already up
  3. Now you can connect to XDebug on port 9001

XDebug Tools

Note: All XDebug settings can be configured in the php.ini template at puppet/modules/php/templates/php.ini.erb


Vagrant is very well documented but here are a few common commands:

Virtual Machine Specifications