


Nextflow implementation of the smoove toolset (and some others) focused on reliably calling SVs in your data.

The workflow

The workflow consists of a number of steps, each generally outputing to unique result directories.

Call genotypes

smoove call is run on individual bam or cram alignment files. Output is written to $outdir/smoove-called and includes $sample-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz and an index.

Merge genotypes

Next, we collect all SVs across samples into a single, merged (union) VCF using smoove merge. Results are written to $outdir/smoove-merged and include the file $project.sites.vcf.gz.

Genotype all samples

Using the union of SVs across all samples, we genotype each sample at those sites using smoove genotype with duphold for depth annotations. Output is written to $outdir/smoove-genotyped/$sample-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz.

Square and annotate VCF

Take all single sample genotyped VCFs and paste into a single, square, joint-called file using smoove paste. Then annotate the variants using the annotation supplied from --gff with smoove annotate. Results are written to:

Coverage profiling

Using indexcov, estimate coverage across the genome per sample and perform coverage-based quality control. The full report output of goleft indexcov is written to $outdir/indexcov. Its report is written to $outdir/indexcov/index.html.

Workflow report

Logs and output of various steps are aggregated and summarized into one report written to $outdir/smoove-nf.html.

Cumulative chromosome coverage is available in $outdir/covviz_report.html.


A Docker container is maintained in parallel with this workflow (https://hub.docker.com/r/brentp/smoove) and will be pulled by Nextflow before data processing begins. There's no need to download and install dependencies outside of Docker or Singularity and Nextflow.

nextflow run brwnj/smoove-nf -latest [nextflow options] [smoove-nf options]

Running this using provided containers can be accomplished using the docker profile:

nextflow run brwnj/smoove-nf -latest -profile docker [nextflow options] [smoove-nf options]

Required parameters

Note: Nextflow will handle wildcard expansion in this case, so it's critical we quote we the string like:

nextflow run brwnj/smoove-nf -latest \
	--bams '~/SRP1234/alignments/*.cram'

Optional parameters

covviz params

somalier params


To pull changes to made to the workflow and ensure you're running the latest version, use:

nextflow pull brwnj/smoove-nf

That will either pull any changes or confirm you're at the latest version.

Alternatively, when you run the workflow simply use:

nextflow run brwnj/smoove-nf -latest