


hkcam is an open-source implementation of an HomeKit IP camera. It uses ffmpeg to access the camera stream and publishes the stream to HomeKit using hap. The camera stream can be viewed in a HomeKit app. For example my Home+ app works perfectly with hkcam.

<img alt="Camera Stream" src="_img/home-app-camera.jpeg?raw=true" width="400" />


Get Started

hkcam uses Go modules and therefore requires Go 1.11 or higher.


The fastest way to get started is to

  1. download the project on a Mac with a built-in iSight camera
git clone https://github.com/brutella/hkcam && cd hkcam
  1. build and run cmd/hkcam/main.go by running task hkcam in Terminal
  2. open any HomeKit app and add the camera to HomeKit (pin for initial setup is 001 02 003)
  3. view the web ui by entering the url http://localhost:8080

These steps require git, go, task and ffmpeg to be installed. On macOS you can install them via Homebrew.

brew install git
brew install go
brew install go-task/tap/go-task
brew install ffmpeg

Raspberry Pi

You can use a camera module or USB camera with a Raspberry Pi to create your own surveillance camera.

<img alt="ELP 1080p" src="_img/elp-1080p.jpg?raw=true" width="280" />

For example the ELP 1080P USB camera dome is great for outdoor use. It is IP66 waterproof and has built-in IR LEDs for night vision. This camera gets you good quality and great performance when running hkcam on the latest Raspberry Pi OS.

A cheaper alternative is a camera module attached via ribbon cable. You'll have to enable Legacy Camera Support when using a camera module on Raspberry Pi OS. That's why this option is not ideal in my opinion.

How to Install on a Raspberry Pi?

Follow these steps to install hkcam and all the required libraries on a Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit).

  1. Download and run the Raspberry Pi Imager from https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/ <img alt="Raspberry Pi Imager" src="_img/rpi-imager.png?raw=true" width="400" />
  1. Insert the sd card in your Raspberry Pi

  2. Connect your camera (in my case the ELP 1080P) and power supply

  3. Connect to your Raspberry Pi via SSH (the first boot may take a while, so be patient) ssh pi@raspberrypi.local (enter your previously configured password)

  4. Install ffmpeg apt-get install ffmpeg

  5. Install v4l2loopback apt-get install v4l2loopback-dkms

options v4l2loopback video_nr=99
  1. Install hkcam
wget https://github.com/brutella/hkcam/releases/download/v0.1.0/hkcam-v0.1.0_linux_arm.tar.gz
./hkcam -data_dir=/var/lib/hkcam/data -multi_stream=true -port=8080 -verbose
  1. Add the camera to HomeKit
<img alt="More options" src="_img/home-app-more-options.jpeg?raw=true" width="280" /> <img alt="Select Accessory" src="_img/home-app-select-camera.jpeg?raw=true" width="280" /> <img alt="Select Accessory" src="_img/home-app-pin.jpeg?raw=true" width="280" />

If everything works as expected, you have to configure hkcam as a daemon – so that hkcam is automatically run after boot. This can be done in different way – systemd is recommended,

How to install with Ansible?

I've made an Ansible playbook which configures your Raspberry Pi and installs hkcam. The following steps require ansible to be installed. On macOS you can install it via Homebrew.

brew install ansible

First install Raspberry Pi OS, as described above. Then create ssh key and copy them to the Raspberry Pi.

ssh-copy-id pi@raspberrypi.local

After that you can execute the playbook with the following command.

cd ansible && ansible-playbook rpi.yml -i hosts

Once the command finishes, your camera can be added to HomeKit.


Normally in HomeKit a camera stream can only be viewed by one device at a time. If a second device wants to view the stream, the Apple Home app shows

Camera Not Available Wait until someone else in this home stops viewing this camera and try again.

hkcam allows multiple devices to view the same stream by setting the option -multi_stream=true. That's neat.

Persistent Snapshots

In addition to video streaming, hkcam supports Persistent Snapshots. Persistent Snapshots is a way to take snapshots of the camera and store them on disk. You can then access them via HomeKit.

Persistent Snapshots are currently supported by Home+, as you can see from the following screenshots.

<img alt="Live streaming" src="_img/homeplus-stream.png?raw=true" width="280" /> <img alt="Snapshots" src="_img/homeplus-snapshots.png?raw=true" width="280" />

Taking snapshots in automations is also supported.

<img alt="Automation" src="_img/homeplus-automation.jpeg?raw=true" width="280" />

Web Interface

When running hkcam at a specific port (by specifying -port=...), you can access the web interface at the url http://{ip-address}:{port} with a browser. The web interface shows the recent snapshot and lets you install updates.

<img alt="Web Interface" src="_img/web-interface.png?raw=true" width="400" />

Raspberry Pi Zero W

I do get kernel panics when running hkcam with an ELP 1080P USB camera. Updating /boot/config.txt with the following changes resolve those kernel panics.


Raspberry Pi Zero W Enclosure

<img alt="Desk mount" src="_img/enclosure-desk.jpg?raw=true" width="320" /> <img alt="Wall mount" src="_img/enclosure-wall.jpg?raw=true" width="320" />

I've also designed an enclosure for the Raspberry Pi Zero W and standard camera module. You can use a stand to put the camera on a desk, or combine it with brackets of the Articulating Raspberry Pi Camera Mount to mount it on a wall. The 3D-printed parts are available as STL files here.

This enclosure is not waterproof and should not be used outside. Instead, you should use an ELP 1080P camera and connect it via USB to a Raspberry Pi.

<!-- #### Pre-configured Raspbian Image You can use a pre-configured Raspbian Stretch Lite image, where everything is already configured. You only need to 1. download the pre-configured Raspbian image and copy onto a sd card; [download](https://github.com/brutella/hkcam/releases/download/v0.0.9/raspbian-stretch-lite-2019-04-08-hkcam-v0.0.9-armv6.img.zip) - **Note**: This image only works on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2. install [Etcher.app](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) and flash the downloaded image onto your sd card. <img alt="Etcher.app" src="_img/etcher.png?raw=true"/> > You can do the same on the command line as well. > > On **macOS** you have to find the disk number for your sd card > ```sh > # find disk > diskutil list > ``` > You will see entries for `/dev/disk0`, `/dev/disk1`…, your sd card may have the disk number **3** and will be mounted at `/dev/disk3` > > ```sh > # unmount disk (eg disk3) > diskutil unmountDisk /dev/rdisk3 > > # copy image on disk3 > sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/raspbian-stretch-lite-2019-04-08-hkcam-v0.0.9-armv6.img of=/dev/rdisk3 conv=sync > ``` 3. add your Wi-Fi credentials so that the Raspberry Pi can connect to your Wi-Fi - create a new text file at `/Volumes/boot/wpa_supplicant.conf` with the following content ```sh ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="<ssid>" psk="<password>" } ``` - replace `<ssid>` with the name of your Wi-Fi, and `<password>` with the Wi-Fi password. 4. insert the sd card into your Raspberry Pi and power it up. (After a reboot it may take up to several minutes until the camera is accessible via HomeKit – see [issue #136](https://github.com/brutella/hap/issues/136).) 5. open any HomeKit app and add the camera to HomeKit (pin for initial setup is `001 02 003`) #### Manual Configuration If you want, you can configure your Raspberry Pi manually. This setup requires more configuration. I've made an [Ansible](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/index.html) playbook to configure your RPi with just one command. The easiest way to get started is to 1. configure your Raspberry Pi - install [Raspbian](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/) - [enable ssh](https://gist.github.com/brutella/0780479ceefc5d25a805b86ea795a3c6) (and WiFi if needed) - connect a camera module 2. create ssh key and copy them to the Raspberry Pi ```sh ssh-keygen ssh-copy-id pi@raspberrypi.local ``` 3 run the `rpi` playbook ```sh cd ansible && ansible-playbook rpi.yml -i hosts ``` 4. open any HomeKit app and add the camera to HomeKit (pin for initial setup is `001 02 003`) These steps require *ansible* to be installed. On macOS you can install it via Homebrew. ```sh brew install ansible ``` #### What does the playbook do? The ansible playbook configures the Raspberry Pi in a way that is required by `hkcam`. It does that by connecting to the RPi via ssh and running commands on it. You can do the same thing manually on the shell but ansible is more convenient. Here are the things that the ansible playbook does. 1. Installs the required packages - [ffmpeg](http://ffmpeg.org) – to stream video from the camera via RTSP to HomeKit - [v4l2loopback](https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback) - to create a virtual video device to access the video stream by multiple ffmpeg processes - [runit](http://smarden.org/runit/) – to run `hkcam` as a service 2. Downloads and installs the latest `hkcam` release 3. Edits `/boot/config.txt` to enable access to the camera 4. Edits `/etc/modules` to enable the *bcm2835-v4l2* and *v4l2loopback* kernel modules 5. Restarts the RPi After the playbook finishes, the RPi is ready to be used as a HomeKit camera. **Additional Steps** - I recommend to change the password of the `pi` user, once you have configured your Raspberry Pi. - If you want to have multiple cameras on your network, you have to make sure that the hostnames are unique. By default, the hostname of the Raspberry Pi is `raspberrypi.local`. - SSH is enabled in the hkcam image. You may want to disable it. **Debugging** If experience issues with the hkcam daemon, you can find log outputs at `/var/log/hkcam/current`. # Enclosure <img alt="Desk mount" src="_img/enclosure-desk.jpg?raw=true" width="320" /> <img alt="Wall mount" src="_img/enclosure-wall.jpg?raw=true" width="320" /> The 3D-printed enclosure is designed for a Raspberry Pi Zero W and standard camera module. You can use a stand to put the camera on a desk, or combine it with brackets of the [Articulating Raspberry Pi Camera Mount]() to mount it on a wall. The 3D-printed parts are available as STL files [here](https://github.com/brutella/hkcam/tree/master/enclosure). # Advanced Configuration The application can be further configured using flags in the startup script. These can lead to a misconfigured system and should be used at your own caution. These settings can be changed in the startup script ```/etc/sv/hkcam/run```. ``` #!/bin/sh -e exec 2>&1 v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1280,height=720,pixelformat=YU12 exec hkcam --data_dir=/var/lib/hkcam/data --verbose=true ``` | Flag | Default value | Description | |--------- | -------------- | ----------------- | | min_video_bitrate | ```0``` | minimum video bit rate in kbps| | multi_stream | ```false``` | "Allow multiple clients to view the stream simultaneously| | data_dir | ```"Camera"``` | Path to data directory| | verbose | ```true```| Verbose logging| | pin | ```"00102003"``` | PIN for HomeKit pairing | | port | ```""``` | Port on which transport is reachable, random port if empty | ## Network `hkcam` uses bonjour for service discovery. The port used for this ```5353```. The transport port is random. It is assigned by the OS. You can set a port using the ```port``` flag. -->


Matthias Hochgatterer

Website: http://hochgatterer.me

Github: https://github.com/brutella

Twitter: https://twitter.com/brutella


hkcam is available under the Apache License 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.