


Microsoft Azure Blob Storage driver for elFinder.NetCore

<img src="https://github.com/brunomel/elFinder.NetCore.AzureBlobStorage/blob/main/_misc/logo.png" alt="logo" width="350" /> <img src="https://github.com/brunomel/elFinder.NetCore.AzureBlobStorage/blob/main/_misc/azureblobstorage.png" alt="logo" width="350" />


  1. Install the NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/elFinder.NetCore.AzureBlobStorage.Driver/

  2. Look at the demo project for an example on how to integrate it into your own project.

Azure Blob Storage Connector

In order to use the Azure Blob Storage Connector

  1. Open your appsettings.json file and look for the AzureBlobStorage section:

Replace ConnectionString, ContainerName and OriginHostName with the appropriate values for your Azure account.

  1. The thumbnails are stored in the local file system in folder ./wwwroot/thumbnails. You can change this folder location in ElFinderController constructor.


This plugin has been inspired by elFinder.NetCore.AzureStorage by Flavio Smirne

In order to increase the performance it uses the CustomBaseModel class instead of the original BaseModel in elFinder.NetCore, which:

The thumbnails are generated and stored in the local file system by ElFinderController's methods.


This plugin depends on elFinder.NetCore by Matt Gordon