

Differentiable Diffusion for Dense Depth Estimation from Multi-view Images

Numair Khan<sup>1</sup>, Min H. Kim<sup>2</sup>, James Tompkin<sup>1</sup><br> <sup>1</sup>Brown, <sup>2</sup>KAIST<br> CVPR 2021

<img src="http://visual.cs.brown.edu/projects/diffdiffdepth-webpage/img/teaser_dino_rgb.png" width=200px><img src="http://visual.cs.brown.edu/projects/diffdiffdepth-webpage/img/teaser_dino_depth.gif" width=200px>

<img src="http://visual.cs.brown.edu/projects/diffdiffdepth-webpage/img/teaser_lego_rgb.png" width=200px><img src="http://visual.cs.brown.edu/projects/diffdiffdepth-webpage/img/teaser_lego_depth.gif" width=200px>

Paper | Supplemental | Presentation Video


If you use this code in your work, please cite our paper:

  title={Differentiable Diffusion for Dense Depth Estimation from Multi-view Images
  author={Numair Khan, Min H. Kim, James Tompkin},
  journal={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

Code in pytorch_ssim is from https://github.com/Po-Hsun-Su/pytorch-ssim

Included in this PyTorch code

Running the Code

Environment Setup

The code has been tested with Python3.6 using Pytorch=1.5.1.

The provided setup file can be used to install all dependencies and create a conda environment diffdiffdepth:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

$ conda activate diffdiffdepth

Multiview Stereo

To run the code on multi-view stereo images you will first need to generate poses using COLMAP. Once you have these, run the optimization by calling run_mvs.py:

$ python run_mvs.py --input_dir=<COLMAP_project_directory> --src_img=<target_img> --output_dir=<output_directory>

where <target_img> is the name of the image you want to compute depth for. Run python run_mvs.py -h to view additional optional arguments.

Example usage:

$ python run_mvs.py --input_dir=colmap_dir --src_img=img0.png --output_dir=./results

Lightfield Images

Input sparse point clouds are derived from our light field depth estimation work code here: https://github.com/brownvc/lightfielddepth


We will add to this section as issues arise.