


dbtenv is a version manager for dbt, automatically installing and switching to the needed adapter and version of dbt.



  1. Install pipx (What is pipx?).
  2. Run pipx install dbtenv-dbt-alias


If dbtenv-dbt-alias is installed per the above, dbt commands can be used as normal and will be routed through dbtenv. dbtenv will automatically determine, install and use the required dbt adapter and version.

Illustrative example

➜  dev/dbt_project ✗ dbt compile
dbtenv info:  Using dbt-bigquery==1.0.0 (set by dbt_project.yml).
10:48:43  Running with dbt=1.0.4

10:48:45  Found 73 models, 142 tests, 2 snapshots, 0 analyses, 383 macros, 0 operations, 0 seed files, 44 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics
10:49:14  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
10:49:20  Done.

Installation Options

There are two packages available for installation:

dbtenv-dbt-alias is identical to dbtenv, with the exception of adding a dbt entry point. The dbt command then acts as a direct shortcut to dbtenv execute --, and means that dbtenv can used as a drop-in replacement to installing dbt normally.

Available Commands

If dbtenv-dbt-alias is installed:

dbt Version Management

dbtenv will automatically install the required version of dbt for the current project by default. To disable this behaviour, set the environment variable DBTENV_AUTO_INSTALL to false.

By default, dbtenv creates virtual environments for each dbt package version within ~/.dbt/versions. You can customize this location by setting the DBTENV_VENVS_DIRECTORY environment variable.

By default, dbtenv uses whichever Python version it was installed with to install dbt, but that can be changed by setting a DBTENV_PYTHON environment variable to the path of a different Python executable, or specifying --python <path> when running dbtenv install.

Switching between dbt versions

Adapter type

If dbtenv is invoked within a dbt project, dbtenv will look for the project's default target adapter type in profiles.yml. If dbt's --target argument is set, dbtenv will use that target's adapter type instead. To use the dbtenv execute command outside of a dbt project (such as dbt init), a pip specifier should be passed to dbtenv execute's --dbt argument so that dbtenv knows which adapter to use.

dbt version

dbtenv determines the dbt version to use from the following sources, using the first one it finds:

  1. The dbtenv execute command's optional --dbt <version> argument.

  2. The DBT_VERSION environment variable.

  3. If not running within a dbt project:

    1. The first .dbt_version file found searching the working directory path (local version).
    2. The ~/.dbt/version file (global version).
  4. The current dbt project's dbt_project.yml version requirements.

    • If a local or global dbt version has been set, dbtenv will use that version if in the range set by require-dbt-version.
  5. The locally or globally set version.

  6. The max installed dbt version (preferring stable versions).

  7. The max installable dbt version (preferring stable versions).

You can:

Running dbt through dbtenv

If dbtenv-dbt-alias installed

The dbt command then acts as a direct shortcut to dbtenv execute --, and means that dbtenv can used as a drop-in replacement to installing dbt normally. dbtenv will automatically identify which package and version of dbt to use. If you need to manually specify a dbt package version to run with, use the dbtenv execute command.

dbtenv execute

Run dbtenv execute -- <dbt arguments> to execute the dbt version determined automatically from the current environment, or run dbtenv execute --dbt <version> -- <dbt arguments> to execute a specific dbt version.

For example:


Development setup

  1. Clone this repository onto your computer.
  2. Install Poetry pipx install poetry (What is pipx?)
  3. Navigate to the dbtenv directory, and install the project into a virtual environment poetry install
  4. Activate the virtual environment poetry shell
  5. Any dbtenv commands will run using the local version of the project.