

Pollen Logo

pollen: A command-line tool for interacting with TheHive

Current Version: 1.1 (Codename: Tsim Sha Tsui)

GitHub issues

Welcome to pollen, a command-line tool for interacting with TheHive!

TheHive is a fantastic scalable, open-source Security IR Platform to help manage security incidents and investigations. I've used TheHive on multiple enagements and with multiple clients to help keep track of assignments, tasks, and findings on various investigations. However, up until now, much of the interaction with TheHive has been via the browser.

Pollen allows for granular interaction with TheHive without needing to open the web browser. Current features include:

See something else you'd like to have? Drop me a note or submit an issue, and I'd be happy to check it out. Furthermore, if you are a user of TheHive and pollen helps make your life easier, I'd love to hear about how!


pollen can be installed and run by simply cloning this repository, and running:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 pollen.py -c

If it's your first time running pollen, you should be prompted with the following:

             _ _
 _ __ * ___ | | | ___ _ __
| '_ \ / _ \| | |/ _ \ '_ \   *
| |_) | (_) | | |  __/ | | |
| .__/ \___/|_|_|\___|_| |_| *
|_|          *

Keeping the busy analysis bees busy!

Config file not found; would you like to create it now? (y/n):

The script will walk you through setting up the config file. All you need is your Hive address and API key. And then, you're off to the races!


Pollen also has some script features that can restart the script and autoload new settings. If you'd like to enable these, do a quick chmod +x pollen.py.


For usage of pollen, check out the wiki.


Version 1.1 - Codename: Tsim Sha Tsui [2019-05-26]


Version 1.0 - Codename: BBQ [2019-05-16]

Initial release! This version of pollen includes: