

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9938337/29742058-ed41dcc0-8a6f-11e7-9cfc-680501cdfb97.png" alt="SteamPress"> <br> <br> <a href="https://swift.org"> <img src="http://img.shields.io/badge/Swift-5.1-brightgreen.svg" alt="Language"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/brokenhandsio/SteamPress/actions"> <img src="https://github.com/brokenhandsio/SteamPress/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master" alt="Build Status"> </a> <a href="https://codecov.io/gh/brokenhandsio/SteamPress"> <img src="https://codecov.io/gh/brokenhandsio/SteamPress/branch/master/graph/badge.svg" alt="Code Coverage"> </a> <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brokenhandsio/SteamPress/master/LICENSE"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg" alt="MIT License"> </a> </p>

SteamPress is a Swift blogging engine for use with the Vapor Framework to deploy blogs to sites that run on top of Vapor. It uses Fluent so will work with any database that has a Fluent Driver. It also incorporates a Markdown Provider allowing you to write your posts in Markdown and then use Leaf to render the markdown.

The blog can either be used as the root of your website (i.e. appearing at https://www.acme.org) or in a subpath (i.e. https://www.acme.org/blog/).

There is an example of how it can work in a site (and what it requires in terms of Leaf templates and the parameters is passes to them) at https://github.com/brokenhandsio/SteamPressExample.


How to Use

Add as a dependency

SteamPress is easy to integrate with your application. There are two providers that provide implementations for PostgreSQL or MySQL. You are also free to write your own integrations. Normally you'd choose one of the implementations as that provides repository integrations for the database. In this example, we're using Postgres.

First, add the provider to your Package.swift dependencies:

dependencies: [
    // ...
    .package(name: "SteampressFluentPostgres", url: "https://github.com/brokenhandsio/steampress-fluent-postgres.git", from: "1.0.0"),

Then add it as a dependecy to your application target:

.target(name: "App",
    dependencies: [
        // ...

In configure.swift, import the provider:

import SteampressFluentPostgres

Next, register the provider with your services:

try services.register(SteamPressFluentPostgresProvider())

The Provider's require you to add SteamPress' models to your migrations:

/// Configure migrations
var migrations = MigrationConfig()
// ...
migrations.add(model: BlogTag.self, database: .psql)
migrations.add(model: BlogUser.self, database: .psql)
migrations.add(model: BlogPost.self, database: .psql)
migrations.add(model: BlogPostTagPivot.self, database: .psql)
// Optional but recommended - this will create an admin user for you to login with
migrations.add(migration: BlogAdminUser.self, database: .psql)

Manual Setup

First add SteamPress to your Package.swift dependencies:

dependencies: [
    // ...,
    .package(name: "SteamPress", url: "https://github.com/brokenhandsio/SteamPress", from: "1.0.0")

And then as a dependency to your target:

.target(name: "App",
    dependencies: [
        // ...

This will register the routes for you. You must provide implementations for the different repository types to your services:

services.register(MyTagRepository(), as: BlogTagRepository.self)
services.register(MyUserRepository(), as: BlogUserRepository.self)
services.register(MyPostRepository(), as: BlogPostRepository.self)

You can then register the SteamPress provider with your services:

let steampressProvider = SteamPress.Provider()
try services.register(steampressProvider)


SteamPress offers a 'Remember Me' functionality when logging in to extend the duration of the session. In order for this to work, you must register the middleware:

var middlewares = MiddlewareConfig()
// ...

Note: This must be registered before you register the SessionsMiddleware.

SteamPress uses a PasswordVerifier protocol to check passwords. Vapor doesn't provide a default BCrypt implementation for this, so you must register this yourself:

config.prefer(BCryptDigest.self, for: PasswordVerifier.self)

Finally, if you wish to use the #markdown() tag with your blog Leaf templates, you must register this. There's also a paginator tag, to make pagination easy:

 var tags = LeafTagConfig.default()
tags.use(Markdown(), as: "markdown")
let paginatorTag = PaginatorTag(paginationLabel: "Blog Posts")
tags.use(paginatorTag, as: PaginatorTag.name)


There are a number of configuration options you can pass to the provider to configure SteamPress:

To configure these, you can pass them to the provider. E.g.:

let feedInformation = FeedInformation(
    title: "The SteamPress Blog", 
    description: "SteamPress is an open-source blogging engine written for Vapor in Swift", 
    copyright: "Released under the MIT licence", 
    imageURL: "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9938337/29742058-ed41dcc0-8a6f-11e7-9cfc-680501cdfb97.png")
try services.register(SteamPressFluentPostgresProvider(blogPath: "blog", feedInformation: feedInformation, postsPerPage: 5))

Additionally, you should set the WEBSITE_URL environment variable to the root address of your website, e.g. https://www.steampress.io. This is used to set various parameters throughout SteamPress.

Logging In

When you first launch SteamPress, if you've enabled the BlogAdminUser migration, an admin user is created in the database. The username is admin and the password will be printined out to your app's logs. It is recommended that you reset your password when you first login as soon as your site is up and running.


SteamPress currently supports using Disqus for the comments engine. To use Disqus, start the app with the environment variable BLOG_DISQUS_NAME set to the name of your disqus sute. (You can get the name of your Disqus site from your Disqus admin panel)

This will pass it through to the Leaf templates for the Blog index (blog.leaf), blog posts (blogpost.leaf), author page (profile.leaf) and tag page (tag.leaf) so you can include it if needs be. If you want to manually set up comments you can do this yourself and just include the necessary files for your provider. This is mainly to provide easy configuration for the example site.

Open Graph Twitter Card Support

SteamPress supports both Open Graph and Twitter Cards. The blog post page context will pass in the created date and last edited date (if applicable) in ISO 8601 format for Open Graph article support, under the parameters createdDateNumeric and lastEditedDateNumeric.

The Blog Post page will also be passed a number of other useful parameters for Open Graph and Twitter Cards. See the blogpost.leaf section below.

The Twitter handle of the site can be configured with a BLOG_SITE_TWITTER_HANDLE environment variable (the site's twitter handle without the @). If set, this will be injected into the public pages as described below. This is for the twitter:site tag for Twitter Cards

Google Analytics Support

SteamPress makes it easy to integrate Google Analytics into your blog. Just start the application with the BLOG_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_IDENTIFIER environment variable set to you Google Analytics identifier. (You can get your identifier from the Google Analytics console, it will look something like UA-12345678-1)

This will pass a googleAnalyticsIdentifier parameter through to all of the public pages in the pageInformation variable, which you can include and then use the Example Site's javascript to integrate with.

Atom/RSS Support

SteamPress automatically provides endpoints for registering RSS readers, either using RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0. These endpoints can be found at the blog's atom.xml and rss.xml paths; e.g. if you blog is at https://www.example.com/blog then the atom feed will appear at https://wwww.example.com/blog/atom.xml. These will work by default, but you will probably want to configure some of fields. These are configured with the FeedInformation parameter passed to the provider. The configuration options are:

Search Support

SteamPress has a built in blog search. It will register a route, /search, under your blog path which you can send a query through to, with a key of term to search the blog.

Expected Leaf Templates

SteamPress expects there to be a number of Leaf template files in the correct location in Resources/Views. All these files should be in a blog directory, with the admin template files being in an admin directory. For an example of how it SteamPress works with the leaf templates, see the Example SteamPress site.

For every public Leaf template, a pageInformation parameter will be passed in with the following information:

For admin pages, the pageInformation parameter has the following information:

The basic structure of your Resources/View directory should be:

Main Blog Site


This is the index page of the blog. The parameters it will receive are:


This is the page for viewing a single entire blog post. The parameters set are:


This is the page for a tag. A blog post can be tagged with many tags and a tag can be tagged on many blog posts. This page is generally used for viewing all posts under that tag. The parameters are:


This is the page for viewing a profile of a user. This is generally used for viewing all posts written by a user, as well as some information about them. The parameters it can have set are:


This is the page for viewing all of the tags on the blog. This provides some more navigation points for the blog as well as providing a page in case the user strips off the tag from the Tag's URL. The parameters that can be passed to it are:


This is the page for viewing all of the authors on the blog. It provides a useful page for user's to see everyone who has contributed to the site.


This is the page that will display search results. It has a number of parameters on it on top of the standard parameters:


This is the page for logging in to the admin section of the blog. The parameters are:

Admin Site


This is the main Admin page for the blog where you can create and edit users and posts. The parameters for this page are:


This is the page you will be redirected to if you need to reset your password. The parameters are:


This is the page for creating a new blog post, or editing an existing one. The parameters for this page are:


This is the page for creating a new user, or editing an existing one. The parameters are:

POST Routes

There are a number of POST routes to the Admin site for creating and editing user etc that are required otherwise you will receive errors.

This section needs to be filled out, but you can view the Controllers in the code to work out what they should be, or see the Example Site.

Markdown Tag

The Markdown Tag allows you to render markdown as HTML in your Leaf files. To use, just simply use:


This will convert the object myObject's markdownContent to HTML (you pass in myObject as a parameter to your Leaf view). It uses Github Flavoured Markdown under the hood, but for more details, see the Leaf Markdown repo.


SteamPress also contains an API for accessing certain things that may be useful. The current endpoints are: