


The new Hedwig Design System is now stable and can be found here. This repository will be minimally maintained.

Hedwig - Posten and Bring Design System.

GitHub release GitHub issues


npm install
npm run dev


Hedwig documentation


We will not support changes and updates on older major releases of Hedwig. Users of the Hedwig repo are responsible for


This repo is public, so please consider this when contributing

Found a bug?

Need to change or add something new?

First of all: let the community know on the internal #hedwig slack channel what you need and how you plan to solve it. There might be other teams that also would benefit from your solution. Either way there will probably be one of two outcomes:

1: Adding something new

If you are adding new functionality to Hediwg please follow the below development giuidelines below.

2: Just do it locally

If the thing you're changing or adding is specific to your project, and not all sites using Hedwig, use a separate css file to add or override functionality using your own classes and components.

Development guidelines

To add a new feature:

To modify an existing feature follow the same process, but also remember the versioning system. If there is a breaking change, or if this might impact existing sites using hedwig, update the version number. See below for details.

Running Hedwig locally

clone this repo
npm install                 # to install dependencies
npm run dev                 # start local development server

Open http://localhost:3000 🚀

Tip: In order to test changes on a locally running application which uses hedwig, replace the dependencies with the following dev server URLs (after running hedwig locally):



The staging environment is setup in Heroku as a separate app. All the assets are copied to docs folder and referred from there in this branch.

Pushing a new change will automatically deploy the app in Heroku.

setup_staging task need to be run whenever the staging branch is reset. It copies the scripts/Procfile to the root folder. Commit and push the file in staging branch only.

master branch shouldn't have a Procfile.


Hedwig uses semantic versioning to make sure once a site starts using it, the CSS file won't suddenly change and break the site. The version number is located in package.json, and will be appended to the .css and .js files. Example - bring-1.0.3.css.

When a breaking change is added, a new major version is required.


Production CSS, JavaScript and assets are served through a CDN using jsDelivr.


Functional icons

We use FontAwesome for functional icons. Not all FontAweseome icons are available in Hedwig You will find available icons here. If you need to use an icon from FontAwesome that is not allready added in Hedwig you need to add it and open a pull request.

Font Awesome Icons works like this

To add the authToken to your environment, in ~/.bashrc add the following line:

export NPM_TOKEN=[authToken]

The token needs to be replaced by a real token.

Service icons

Hedwig use SVG sprite for special icons and logos. These icons must only be used in conjunction with its service or service name.

SVG Sprite Icons works like this:

We use inline SVG's for icons.


Linting our project is import to keep a holistic code base. It is recommended to use a linting plugin for your editor while developing.

JavaScript uses ESLint with the Airbnb config.

CSS uses Stylelint with the standard config.

Build scripts

The /scripts folder contains a set of custom scripts that helps compile the docs.

List of npm scripts:


Q: I have a question! Who do i ask? A: Use the Hedwig slack channel!


The Hedwig Team is resposible for maintaining the Hedwig repo. Contact us with any questions or feedback either in the #hedwig Slack channel or hedwig@posten.no


development helpers:

included in bundle:

⚖️ Licenses