


Load shellcode into a new process, optionally hide under a false process name.


Simple usage is to pipe your shellcode, hex encoded, into stdin. This runs the shellcode in the current shellload process.

(The example shellcode provided will run the command touch itworks)

$ printf "6a3b589948bb2f62696e2f736800534889e7682d6300004889e652e80e000000746f756368206974776f726b730056574889e60f05" | ./shellload64

Intermediate usage is to pass the shellcode as an argument. This spawns a background process that runs the shellcode.

$ ./shellload64 6a3b589948bb2f62696e2f736800534889e7682d6300004889e652e80e000000746f756368206974776f726b730056574889e60f05

Advanced usage is to change the process name and arguments when the shellload process runs. Everything but the last argument is used as the cover process name and argument.

$ ./shellload64 /usr/bin/apache2 -k start 6a3b589948bb2f62696e2f736800534889e7682d6300004889e652e80e000000746f756368206974776f726b730056574889e60f05
$ ps aux | grep apache2
brimsto+ 32364  0.0  0.0  25332  3440 ?        S    14:39   0:00 /usr/bin/apache2 -k start


The default build target builds for 32 and 64 bit systems.

$ make