


With this repository, you will able to train Multi-label Classification with BERT,

Deploy BERT for online prediction.

You can also find the a short tutorial of how to use bert with chinese: <a href='https://github.com/brightmart/sentiment_analysis_fine_grain/blob/master/README_bert_chinese_tutorial.md'>BERT short chinese tutorial</a>

You can find Introduction to <a href='https://challenger.ai/competition/fsauor2018'>fine grain sentiment from AI Challenger</a>

Basic Ideas

Add something here.

Experiment on New Models

<img src="https://github.com/brightmart/sentiment_analysis_fine_grain/blob/master/data/img/fine_grain.jpg" width="67%" height="67%" />

for more, check model/bert_cnn_fine_grain_model.py


ModelTextCNN(No-pretrain)TextCNN(Pretrain-Finetuning)Bert(base_model_zh)Bert(base_model_zh,pre-train on corpus)

Notice: F1 Score is reported on validation set

<img src="https://github.com/brightmart/sentiment_analysis_fine_grain/blob/master/data/img/bert_sa.jpg" width="65%" height="65%" />


Bert for Multi-label Classificaiton [<a href='https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZS4dAdOIAe3DaHiwCDrLKw'>data for fine-tuning and pre-train</a>]

export BERT_BASE_DIR=BERT_BASE_DIR/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12
nohup python run_classifier_multi_labels_bert.py   
  --output_dir=./checkpoint_bert &

1.firstly, you need to download pre-trained model from google, and put to a folder(e.g.BERT_BASE_DIR)

chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12 from <a href='https://storage.googleapis.com/bert_models/2018_11_03/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip'>bert</a>

2.secondly, you need to have training data(e.g. train.tsv) and validation data(e.g. dev.tsv), and put it under a

 folder(e.g.TEXT_DIR ). you can also download data from here <a href='https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZS4dAdOIAe3DaHiwCDrLKw'>data to train bert for AI challenger-Sentiment Analysis</a>.
 it contains processed data you can run for both fine-tuning on sentiment analysis and pre-train with Bert. 
 it is generated by following this notebook step by step:
 you can generate data by yourself as long as data format is compatible with 
 processor SentimentAnalysisFineGrainProcessor(alias as sentiment_analysis); 

 data format:  label1,label2,label3\t here is sentence or sentences\t
 it only contains two columns, the first one is target(one or multi-labels), the second one is input strings.
 no need to tokenized.
 sample:"0_1,1_-2,2_-2,3_-2,4_1,5_-2,6_-2,7_-2,8_1,9_1,10_-2,11_-2,12_-2,13_-2,14_-2,15_1,16_-2,17_-2,18_0,19_-2 浦东五莲路站,老饭店福瑞轩属于上海的本帮菜,交通方便,最近又重新装修,来拨草了,饭店活动满188元送50元钱,环境干净,简单。朋友提前一天来预订包房也没有订到,只有大堂,五点半到店基本上每个台子都客满了,都是附近居民,每道冷菜量都比以前小,味道还可以,热菜烤茄子,炒河虾仁,脆皮鸭,照牌鸡,小牛排,手撕腊味花菜等每道菜都很入味好吃,会员价划算,服务员人手太少,服务态度好,要能团购更好。可以用支付宝方便"
 check sample data in ./BERT_BASE_DIR folder 

 for more detail, check create_model and SentimentAnalysisFineGrainProcessor from run_classifier.py 

Pre-train Bert model based on open-souced model, then do classification task

  1. generate raw data: [ADD SOMETHING HERE]

    take sure each line is a sentence. between each document there is a blank line.

    you can find generated data from zip file.

     use write_pre_train_doc() from preprocess_char.ipynb 
  2. generate data for pre-train stage using:

    export BERT_BASE_DIR=./BERT_BASE_DIR/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12
    nohup python create_pretraining_data.py \
    --input_file=./PRE_TRAIN_DIR/bert_*_pretrain.txt \
    --output_file=./PRE_TRAIN_DIR/tf_examples.tfrecord \
    --vocab_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/vocab.txt \
    --do_lower_case=True \
    --max_seq_length=512 \
    --max_predictions_per_seq=60 \
    --masked_lm_prob=0.15 \
    --random_seed=12345 \
    --dupe_factor=5 nohup_pre.out & 
  3. pre-train model with generated data:

    python run_pretraining.py

  4. fine-tuning

    python run_classifier.py


  1. download <a href='https://pan.baidu.com/s/19aMHbPgfpBxz9sS-sYsjOg'>cache file of sentiment analysis(tokens are in word level)</a>

  2. train the model:

    python train_cnn_fine_grain.py

 cache file of TextCNN model was generate by following steps from preprocess_word.ipynb. 
 it contains everything you need to run TextCNN.
 it include: processed train/validation/test set; vocabulary of word; a dict map label to index. 
 take train_valid_test_vocab_cache.pik and put it under folder of preprocess_word/
 raw data are also included in this zip file.


Pre-train TextCNN

  1. pre-train TextCNN with masked language model

    python train_cnn_lm.py

  2. fine-tuning for TextCNN

    python train_cnn_fine_grain.py

Deploy BERT for online prediction

with session and feed style you can easily deploy BERT.

<a href='https://github.com/brightmart/bert_language_understanding/blob/master/run_classifier_predict_online.py'>online prediction with BERT, check more from here</a>


  1. <a href='https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.04805.pdf'>Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Language Understanding</a>

  2. <a href='https://github.com/google-research/bert'>google-research/bert</a>

  3. <a href='https://github.com/pengshuang/AI-Comp'>pengshuang/AI-Comp</a>

  4. <a href='https://github.com/AIChallenger/AI_Challenger_2018'>AI Challenger 2018</a>

  5. <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/1408.5882'>Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification</a>