

Brigade Metrics: Monitoring for Brigade 2

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Brigade Metrics adds monitoring capabilities to a Brigade 2 installation. It utilizes Brigade APIs to export time series metrics to Prometheus and makes visualizations of those metrics available through a Grafana dashboard.

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1. Create a Service Account

Note: To proceed beyond this point, you'll need to be logged into Brigade 2 as the "root" user (not recommended) or (preferably) as a user with the ADMIN role. Further discussion of this is beyond the scope of this documentation. Please refer to Brigade's own documentation.

Using Brigade 2's brig CLI, create a service account:

$ brig service-account create \
    --id brigade-metrics \
    --description brigade-metrics

Make note of the token returned. This value will be used in another step. It is your only opportunity to access this value, as Brigade does not save it.

Authorize this service account with read-only access to Brigade:

$ brig role grant READER \
    --service-account brigade-metrics

2. Installing Brigade Metrics

For now, we're using the GitHub Container Registry (which is an OCI registry) to host our Helm chart. Helm 3.7 has experimental support for OCI registries. In the event that the Helm 3.7 dependency proves troublesome for users, or in the event that this experimental feature goes away, or isn't working like we'd hope, we will revisit this choice before going GA.

First, be sure you are using Helm 3.7.0 or greater and enable experimental OCI support:


Use the following command to extract the full set of configuration options from the chart. Here we're storing a copy at ~/brigade-metrics-values.yaml:

$ helm inspect values oci://ghcr.io/brigadecore/brigade-metrics \
    --version v0.4.1 > ~/brigade-metrics-values.yaml

Edit the configuration (~/brigade-metrics-values.yaml in this example). At minimum, you will need to make the following changes:

Install Brigade Metrics, referencing your edited configuration:

$ helm install brigade-metrics \
    oci://ghcr.io/brigadecore/brigade-metrics \
    --version v0.4.1 \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace brigade-metrics \
    --values ~/brigade-metrics-values.yaml \
    --wait \
    --timeout 300s

3. (RECOMMENDED) Create a DNS Entry

If you overrode defaults and set grafana.service.type to LoadBalancer, use this command to find the gateway's public IP address:

$ kubectl get svc brigade-metrics-grafana \
    --namespace brigade-metrics \
    --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

If you overrode defaults and enabled support for an ingress controller, you probably know what you're doing well enough to track down the correct IP without our help. 😉

With this public IP in hand, edit your name servers and add an A record pointing your domain to the public IP.

4. Accessing the Dashboard

If you overrode defaults and set grafana.service.type to LoadBalancer, then the dashboard should be accessible over HTTPS at the public IP address or DNS hostname.

If you kept the default setting of ClusterIP for grafana.service.type, then use port forwarding to expose the dashboard on your local network interface:

$ kubectl port-forward \
    service/brigade-metrics-grafana \
    --namespace brigade-metrics \

In this case, the dashboard should be accessible at https://localhost:8443. Expect to receive a cert warning.

Log in using the username and password you selected in the previous section.


The Brigade project accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. The Contributing document outlines the process to help get your contribution accepted.

Support & Feedback

We have a slack channel! Kubernetes/#brigade Feel free to join for any support questions or feedback, we are happy to help. To report an issue or to request a feature open an issue here

Code of Conduct

Participation in the Brigade project is governed by the CNCF Code of Conduct.