

This repository contains code to build cosponsorship networks from bills (and motions) passed in the Finnish Parliament.

For related work, see the finpar package.


Important note: the scraper is currently broken due to a website redesign that makes the search engine inaccessible for various projects, including this one. It is unlikely that this issue will get fixed in the near future, but please feel free to ask for the raw data collected for years 1999–2014 (the code will process it without breaking).




The Eduskunta website uses a very strange URL system: two URLs are necessary to scrape the sponsors, which explains the four different URL variables (two for the sponsor profile, one for the original photo URL and one for the shortened version).

If the URL at line 132 in data.r fails to work (which is almost certainly going to be the case):


Thanks to Leo Lahti, Joona Lehtomäki and Juha Yrjölä for pointers on how to impute gender from Finnish names: see this discussion and this discussion.