


This tmux plugin represents acpi information available on your status bar.

Battery Status & Percentage

Battery Status Battery Status

Battery status indicator can be either of Discharing, Charging, and Not Charging values.

Battery percentage indicator shows the charged capacity of your battery in percentage from 0 to 100. Of course you will never witness the 0 percent of your battery, not even with time travel.

Battery timer indicator shows how much time remains until battery is dead, or how much time it takes until battery is full. I would recommend using battery status indicator with timer indicator together to distinguish these two states in timer. I used icons to separate the states but you might want to disable these icons by setting their variables as empty.

Battery Capacity & Health

Battery Capacity

Battery capacity indicator shows the last full charged capacity value of your battery. Note that this has nothing to do with how much time the adapter was connected to your laptop, this is the capacity that is functional! Yes we are all screwed and we don't know it until we see how much capacity is gone. There's not much on seeing dead cells of your battery unless you want to suffer witnessing your battery going down on a daily basis.

Thermal Status

Thermal Status

This indicator shows the tempraturue of your device. It could be cold, hot or reach its critical temprature where you should ask yourself what the heck are you doing to your device.

AC-Adapter Status

AC Adapter Status AC Adapter Status


Add any of the desired indicators to your status-left or status-right tmux variables as follows:


set -g status-right '| #{acpi_adapter_status} | #{acpi_battery_percentage} #{acpi_battery_status} ${acpi_battery_timer} | #{acpi_battery_health} #{acpi_battery_capacity} | #{acpi_thermal_status}|'

Available indicators are as follows:


  1. Install Tmux Plugin Manager.
  2. Add this plugin to your ~/.tmux.conf: set @plugin 'briansalehi/tmux-acpi'
  3. Press [prefix] + I to install.


Following configuration variables can be set in ~/.tmux.conf. Variables are shown with their corresponding default values.


# Colors
set -g @acpi_format_begin '#[fg=white,bg=colour236]'
set -g @acpi_format_end '#[fg=white,bg=black]'

# Icons
set -g @acpi_icon_battery_full '🔋'
set -g @acpi_icon_battery_low 'đŸĒĢ'
set -g @acpi_icon_battery_charging '🚀'
set -g @acpi_icon_battery_discharging '⚰ī¸ '
set -g @acpi_icon_battery_health 'đŸŠē'
set -g @acpi_icon_adapter_connected '⚡ī¸'
set -g @acpi_icon_adapter_disconnected '🔌'
set -g @acpi_icon_thermal_cold '❄ī¸ '
set -g @acpi_icon_thermal_hot 'đŸ”Ĩ'
set -g @acpi_icon_thermal_critical 'â˜ĸī¸ '

# Values
set -g @acpi_icon_thermal_unit 'Celsius' # Fahrenheit, Kelvin