

Figma Export .zip

Figma Export .zip 📦

Easily export assets from Figma directly into a .zip file.

Install on Figma


  1. Select anything in Figma
  2. Press command + / and search for 'Export .zip'
  3. Run the plugin - your selection and all export settings will be used
  4. command + shift + p to re-run the plugin instantly

Installation and contributing

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/brianlovin/figma-export-zip.git
  2. Go to the directory: cd figma-export-zip
  3. Install figplug: npm i -g figplug
  4. Install the packages: npm install
  5. Build the plugin: figplug build -w -o=build
  6. Add a new development plugin to Figma
  7. Select the figma-export-zip/build/manifest.json file as the manifest