

<p align="center"> <img alt="sparkles" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/659829/33517575-84f0203c-d73b-11e7-9459-fe8f53f6f3da.png" width=200> </p> <h1 align="center">awesome-applescripts</h1> <blockquote align="center"> A collection of awesome, useful, not-so-obvious applescripts. </blockquote>

Table of Contents

→ Scripting Applications

Get bounds of application window

$ osascript scripts/app/get-bounds.applescript Safari

Hide application

$ osascript scripts/app/hide.applescript Safari

Check if application is hidden

$ osascript scripts/app/is-hidden.applescript Safari

Check if application is miniaturized (minimized)

$ osascript scripts/app/is-mini.applescript Safari

Check if application is running

$ osascript scripts/app/is-running.applescript Safari

→ Scripting MacOS

Help wanted.

→ Scripting Chrome

Open (or highlight tab if already open) a URL

$ osascript scripts/chrome/open-url.applescript https://news.ycombinator.com/

→ Scripting Reminders

Get reminders in list

$ osascript scripts/reminders/get-reminders-in-list.applescript "Today"

Get all lists

$ osascript scripts/reminders/get-lists.applescript

Hide the sidebar

$ osascript scripts/reminders/hide-sidebar.applescript Safari

Switch to a different list

$ osascript scripts/reminders/switch-list.applescript "Grocery List"

Count a list

$ osascript scripts/reminders/count-list.applescript "Grocery List"
