


This project is my attempt at a lisp-like language implemented in C. As is normal for my projects, my focus is on implementing something I've never done before and learning how it's done. I'm not focused on implementing any Lisp/Scheme standard, although I'm relying heavily on my knowledge of Scheme.

All that being said, the interpreter is already in a surprisingly functional (haha) state. I have implemented lambda functions and function calls, basic integer arithmetic, simple list operations, if statements, and I even have a basic garbage collection system (via reference counting) set up. It's pretty easy to try out (see below).

Run It!

If you have a Unix-y development environment, it should be easy to get this up and running:

$ git clone git@github.com:brenns10/lisp.git
$ cd lisp
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ make
$ bin/release/main
> (define increment (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))

> (increment 5)
> (if 0 (exit) 5)
> (exit)

Current State

Here's the checklist:

What is available in the language right now:

The Code

I think the code is pretty darn interesting. I have written some documents to help people understand how my code works. There is one describing the lexer, one describing the garbage collection system, and one that takes you through an example lisp input, all the way through the interpreting process! Check them out if you're interested in learning how my code works. You may also be very interested in looking at my libstephen documentation if you see a lot of function calls you don't see definitions for.


If you wanna PR, I'll consider 'em!


Copyright (c) 2015, Stephen Brennan
All rights reserved.
Released under the Revised BSD License, which you may find in LICENSE.txt.