Contrastive Learning Inverts the Data Generating Process [ICML 2021]
Official code to reproduce the results and data presented in the paper Contrastive Learning Inverts the Data Generating Process.
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="3DIdent dataset example images" /> </p>Experiments
To reproduce the disentanglement results for the MLP mixing, use the script. For the experiments on KITTI Masks use the script. For those on 3DIdent, use
MLP Mixing
> python --help
[-h] [--sphere-r SPHERE_R] [--box-min BOX_MIN] [--box-max BOX_MAX]
[--sphere-norm] [--box-norm] [--only-supervised] [--only-unsupervised]
[--more-unsupervised MORE_UNSUPERVISED] [--save-dir SAVE_DIR]
[--num-eval-batches NUM_EVAL_BATCHES] [--rej-mult REJ_MULT]
[--seed SEED] [--act-fct ACT_FCT] [--c-param C_PARAM]
[--m-param M_PARAM] [--tau TAU] [--n-mixing-layer N_MIXING_LAYER]
[--n N] [--space-type {box,sphere,unbounded}] [--m-p M_P] [--c-p C_P]
[--lr LR] [--p P] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--n-log-steps N_LOG_STEPS]
[--n-steps N_STEPS] [--resume-training]
Disentanglement with InfoNCE/Contrastive Learning - MLP Mixing
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sphere-r SPHERE_R
--box-min BOX_MIN For box normalization only. Minimal value of box.
--box-max BOX_MAX For box normalization only. Maximal value of box.
--sphere-norm Normalize output to a sphere.
--box-norm Normalize output to a box.
--only-supervised Only train supervised model.
--only-unsupervised Only train unsupervised model.
--more-unsupervised MORE_UNSUPERVISED
How many more steps to do for unsupervised compared to
supervised training.
--save-dir SAVE_DIR
--num-eval-batches NUM_EVAL_BATCHES
Number of batches to average evaluation performance at
the end.
--rej-mult REJ_MULT Memory/CPU trade-off factor for rejection resampling.
--seed SEED
--act-fct ACT_FCT Activation function in mixing network g.
--c-param C_PARAM Concentration parameter of the conditional
--m-param M_PARAM Additional parameter for the marginal (only relevant
if it is not uniform).
--tau TAU
--n-mixing-layer N_MIXING_LAYER
Number of layers in nonlinear mixing network g.
--n N Dimensionality of the latents.
--space-type {box,sphere,unbounded}
--m-p M_P Type of ground-truth marginal distribution. p=0 means
uniform; all other p values correspond to (projected)
Lp Exponential
--c-p C_P Exponent of ground-truth Lp Exponential distribution.
--lr LR
--p P Exponent of the assumed model Lp Exponential
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
--n-log-steps N_LOG_STEPS
--n-steps N_STEPS
>python --help
usage: [-h] [--box-norm BOX_NORM] [--p P] [--experiment-dir EXPERIMENT_DIR] [--evaluate] [--specify SPECIFY] [--random-search] [--random-seeds] [--seed SEED] [--beta BETA] [--gamma GAMMA]
[--rate-prior RATE_PRIOR] [--data-distribution DATA_DISTRIBUTION] [--rate-data RATE_DATA] [--data-k DATA_K] [--betavae] [--search-beta] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--log-dir LOG_DIR]
[--ckpt-dir CKPT_DIR] [--max-iter MAX_ITER] [--dataset DATASET] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS] [--image-size IMAGE_SIZE] [--use-writer] [--z-dim Z_DIM] [--lr LR]
[--beta1 BETA1] [--beta2 BETA2] [--ckpt-name CKPT_NAME] [--log-step LOG_STEP] [--save-step SAVE_STEP] [--kitti-max-delta-t KITTI_MAX_DELTA_T] [--natural-discrete] [--verbose] [--cuda]
[--num_runs NUM_RUNS]
Disentanglement with InfoNCE/Contrastive Learning - KITTI Masks
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--box-norm BOX_NORM
--p P
--experiment-dir EXPERIMENT_DIR
specify path
--evaluate evaluate instead of train
--specify SPECIFY use argument to only compute a subset of metrics
--random-search whether to random search for params
--random-seeds whether to go over random seeds with UDR params
--seed SEED random seed
--beta BETA weight for kl to normal
--gamma GAMMA weight for kl to laplace
--rate-prior RATE_PRIOR
rate (or inverse scale) for prior laplace (larger -> sparser).
--data-distribution DATA_DISTRIBUTION
(laplace, uniform)
--rate-data RATE_DATA
rate (or inverse scale) for data laplace (larger -> sparser). (-1 = rand).
--data-k DATA_K k for data uniform (-1 = rand).
--betavae whether to do standard betavae training (gamma=0)
--search-beta whether to do rand search over beta
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
output directory
--log-dir LOG_DIR log directory
--ckpt-dir CKPT_DIR checkpoint directory
--max-iter MAX_ITER maximum training iteration
--dataset DATASET dataset name (dsprites, cars3d,smallnorb, shapes3d, mpi3d, kittimasks, natural
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--num-workers NUM_WORKERS
dataloader num_workers
--image-size IMAGE_SIZE
image size. now only (64,64) is supported
--use-writer whether to use a log writer
--z-dim Z_DIM dimension of the representation z
--lr LR learning rate
--beta1 BETA1 Adam optimizer beta1
--beta2 BETA2 Adam optimizer beta2
--ckpt-name CKPT_NAME
load previous checkpoint. insert checkpoint filename
--log-step LOG_STEP numer of iterations after which data is logged
--save-step SAVE_STEP
number of iterations after which a checkpoint is saved
--kitti-max-delta-t KITTI_MAX_DELTA_T
max t difference between frames sampled from kitti data loader.
--natural-discrete discretize natural sprites
--verbose for evaluation
--num_runs NUM_RUNS when searching over seeds, do 10
>python --help
usage: [-h] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--n-eval-samples N_EVAL_SAMPLES] [--lr LR] [--optimizer {adam,sgd}] [--iterations ITERATIONS]
[--n-log-steps N_LOG_STEPS] [--load-model LOAD_MODEL] [--save-model SAVE_MODEL] [--save-every SAVE_EVERY] [--no-cuda] [--position-only]
[--rotation-and-color-only] [--rotation-only] [--color-only] [--no-spotlight-position] [--no-spotlight-color] [--no-spotlight]
[--non-periodic-rotation-and-color] [--dummy-mixing] [--identity-solution] [--identity-mixing-and-solution]
[--approximate-dataset-nn-search] --offline-dataset OFFLINE_DATASET [--faiss-omp-threads FAISS_OMP_THREADS]
[--box-constraint {None,fix,learnable}] [--sphere-constraint {None,fix,learnable}] [--workers WORKERS]
[--mode {supervised,unsupervised,test}] [--supervised-loss {mse,r2}] [--unsupervised-loss {l1,l2,l3,vmf}]
[--non-periodical-conditional {l1,l2,l3}] [--sigma SIGMA] [--encoder {rn18,rn50,rn101,rn151}]
Disentanglement with InfoNCE/Contrastive Learning - 3DIdent
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
--n-eval-samples N_EVAL_SAMPLES
--lr LR
--optimizer {adam,sgd}
--iterations ITERATIONS
How long to train the model
--n-log-steps N_LOG_STEPS
How often to calculate scores and print them
--load-model LOAD_MODEL
Path from where to load the model
--save-model SAVE_MODEL
Path where to save the model
--save-every SAVE_EVERY
After how many steps to save the model (will always be saved at the end)
--offline-dataset OFFLINE_DATASET
--faiss-omp-threads FAISS_OMP_THREADS
--box-constraint {None,fix,learnable}
--sphere-constraint {None,fix,learnable}
--workers WORKERS Number of workers to use (0=#cpus)
--mode {supervised,unsupervised,test}
--supervised-loss {mse,r2}
--unsupervised-loss {l1,l2,l3,vmf}
--non-periodical-conditional {l1,l2,l3}
--sigma SIGMA Sigma of the conditional distribution (for vMF: 1/kappa)
--encoder {rn18,rn50,rn101,rn151}
3DIdent Dataset
We introduce 3DIdent, a dataset with hallmarks of natural environments (shadows, different lighting conditions, 3D rotations, etc.).
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="3DIdent dataset example images" /> </p>You can access the full dataset here. The training and test datasets consists of 250000 and 25000 samples, respectively. To load, you can use the ThreeDIdentDataset
class defined in datasets/
If you find our analysis helpful, please cite our pre-print:
author = {
Zimmermann, Roland S. and
Sharma, Yash and
Schneider, Steffen and
Bethge, Matthias and
Brendel, Wieland
title = {
Contrastive Learning Inverts
the Data Generating Process
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning,
{ICML} 2021, 18-24 July 2021, Virtual Event},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
volume = {139},
pages = {12979--12990},
publisher = {{PMLR}},
year = {2021},
url = {},