


A damn lightweight IPC implementation worked on windows. It's using shared memory and windows event, yes, it's rude and stupid, but it works.

There is also a c++ wrapper provided.

How to use?

#define  cmd_getstr 123
#define  cmd_getint 145

int on_cmd_getstr(unsigned char* data)
    int len = strlen("hello, world!");
    memcpy(data, "hello, world!", len + 1);
    return len + 1;

int on_cmd_getint(unsigned char* data)
    int len = 123456;
    memcpy(data, &len, sizeof(int));
    return sizeof(int);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    dipc::server s;
    s.route(cmd_getstr, on_cmd_getstr);
    s.route(cmd_getint, on_cmd_getint);

        dipc::client clt;
        std::vector<unsigned char> ret = clt.request(cmd_getstr, NULL, 0);
        std::string str((char*)&ret[0]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(std::string("hello, world!"), str);
        dipc::client clt;
        std::vector<unsigned char> ret = clt.request(cmd_getint, NULL, 0);
        int len = *(int*)(&ret[0]);
        CHECK_EQUAL(len, 123456);

    return 0;


Do whatever you want!

The unit test lib from https://github.com/rioki/rtest.git. Check license https://github.com/rioki/rtest#license.