


this project implements text2video algorithm introduced in paper GODIVA: Generating open-doain videos from natural descriptions

generate dataset

generate imagenet dataset

generate imagenet dataset with this script.

generate moving mnist dataset

create moving single digit dataset with command

python3 dataset/mnist_caption_single.py

after executing successfully, a file named mnist_single_git.h5 is generated.

create moving double digits dataset with command

python3 dataset/mnist_caption_two_digit.py

after executing successfully, a file named mnist_two_gif.h5 is generated. the dataset creation code is borrowed from Sync-Draw and slightly modified.


pretrain VQ-VAE on imagenet with command

python3 pretrain.py --mode train --type (original|ema_update) --train_dir <path/to/trainset> --test_dir <path/to/testset>

save checkpoint to pretrain model file with command

python3 pretrain.py --mode save --type (original|ema_update)

test pretrained model with command

python3 pretrain.py --mode test --type (original|ema_update) --img <path/to/image>

a pretrained model with size 64x64, token_num 10000 and ema_update trained on imagenet is enclosed under directory models

a pair of imagenet-pretrained ema update encoder and decoder are provided in this repo.

here are some reconstruction examples.

<p align="center"> <table> <tr><td><img src="pics/car.png" /></td><td><img src="pics/cat.png" /></td><td><img src="pics/house.png" /></td><td><img src="pics/people.png"></td></tr> </table> </p>

to test the trained VQVAE on moving mnist dataset

PYTHONPATH=.:${PYTHONPATH} python3 dataset/sample_generator.py

the shown clips are reconstructed by VQVAE.

train GODIVA on moving mnist dataset

train GODIVA with command

python3 train.py --dataset (single|double) --batch_size <batch size> --checkpoint <path/to/checkpoint>

test GODIVA with checkpoint with command

python3 test.py --dataset (single|double) --checkpoint <path/to/checkpoint>