


<p align="center"> <strong>Notion SDK for PHP</strong> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/brd6/notion-sdk-php"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/source-brd6/notion--sdk--php-blue.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Source Code"></a> <a href="https://packagist.org/packages/brd6/notion-sdk-php"><img src="https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/brd6/notion-sdk-php.svg?style=flat-square&label=release" alt="Download Package"></a> <a href="https://php.net"><img src="https://img.shields.io/packagist/php-v/brd6/notion-sdk-php.svg?style=flat-square&colorB=%238892BF" alt="PHP Programming Language"></a> <a href="https://github.com/brd6/notion-sdk-php/blob/main/LICENSE"><img src="https://img.shields.io/packagist/l/brd6/notion-sdk-php.svg?style=flat-square&colorB=darkcyan" alt="Read License"></a> <a href="https://github.com/brd6/notion-sdk-php/actions/workflows/continuous-integration.yml"><img src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/brd6/notion-sdk-php/.github/workflows/continuous-integration.yml?branch=main&style=flat-square&logo=github" alt="Build Status"></a> </p>

PHP version of the official NOTION API. It works the same way as the reference JavaScript SDK 🎉


Install this package as a dependency using Composer.

composer require brd6/notion-sdk-php

This package (brd6/notion-sdk-php) is not tied to any specific library such as Guzzle or Buzz that sends HTTP messages. Instead, it uses the PSR-18 client abstraction to let users choose whichever PSR-7 implementation and HTTP client they want to use.

If you just want to get started quickly with symfony http client, run the following command:

composer require brd6/notion-sdk-php symfony/http-client nyholm/psr7


Use Notion's Getting Started Guide to get set up to use Notion's API.

Import and initialize a client using an integration token or an OAuth access token.

use Brd6\NotionSdkPhp\Client;
use Brd6\NotionSdkPhp\ClientOptions;

$options = (new ClientOptions())

$notion = new Client($options);

Make a request to any Notion API endpoint.

See the complete list of endpoints in the API reference.

$listUsersResponse = $notion->users()->list();
array (size=4)
  'has_more' => boolean false
  'results' =>
    array (size=2)
      0 =>
        array (size=6)
          'object' => string 'user' (length=4)
          'id' => string '7f03dda0-a132-49d7-b8b2-29c9ed1b1f0e' (length=36)
          'type' => string 'person' (length=6)
          'name' => string 'John Doe' (length=8)
          'avatar_url' => string 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/public.notion-static.com/521dfe9c-f821-4de8-a0bb-e40ff71283e5/39989484_10217003981481443_4621803518267752448_n.jpg' (length=149)
          'person' =>
            array (size=1)
      1 =>
        array (size=5)
          'object' => string 'user' (length=4)
          'id' => string '8dee9e49-7369-4a6d-a11f-7db625b2448c' (length=36)
          'type' => string 'bot' (length=3)
          'name' => string 'MyBot' (length=5)
          'bot' =>
            array (size=1)
  'object' => string 'list' (length=4)
  'type' => string 'user' (length=4)

Endpoint parameters are grouped into a single object. You don't need to remember which parameters go in the path, query, or body.

$databaseRequest = new DatabaseRequest();
    'property' => 'Landmark',
    'text' => [
        'contains' => 'Bridge',
$myPage = $notion->databases()->query('897e5a76-ae52-4b48-9fdf-e71f5945d1af', $databaseRequest)

Handling errors

If the API returns an unsuccessful response, an ApiResponseException will be thrown.

The error contains properties from the response, and the most helpful is code. You can compare code to the values in the NotionErrorCodeConstant object to avoid misspelling error codes.

Client options

The Client supports the following options on initialization. These options can be set on the ClientOptions instance.

OptionDefault valueTypeDescription
auth''stringBearer token for authentication. If left undefined, the auth parameter should be set on each request.
timeout60numberNumber of seconds to wait before throw a RequestTimeoutException
baseUrl"https://api.notion.com"stringThe root URL for sending API requests. This can be changed to test with a mock server.
httpClientDefault Http ClientPsr\Http\Client\ClientInterfaceThe Http Client used to make request on the Notion API. This can be change to customize the base Http Client or replace with a mocked Http Client.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute, please familiarize yourself with CONTRIBUTING.md.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.