


This project adds selenium grid extension to the official docker-selenium images to enable remote Sikuli operations and files transfer with grid nodes. Extensions are based on great project Selenium Grid Extensions.

Images included:

Building the images


Running the images

bravogridctl.sh start

To stop running container use command:

bravogridctl.sh start

Using extensions

Extension proxy objects are instantiated through io.sterodium.rmi.protocol.client.RemoteNavigator as follows:

String urlHub = ""
RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(urlHub, caps);
URL urlHubParsed = new URL(urlHub);
String driverSessionId = driver.getSessionId().toString();
String EXTENSION_PATH_FMT = "/grid/admin/HubRequestsProxyingServlet/session/%s/BravoExtensionServlet"
String extensionPath = String.format(EXTENSION_PATH_FMT, driverSessionId);
RemoteNavigator = new RemoteNavigator(urlHubParsed.getHost(), urlHubParsed.getPort(), extensionPath);
SikuliScreen screen = navigator.createProxy(SikuliScreen.class, "screen");  
FileTransfer files = navigator.createProxy(FileTransfer.class, "files");

To remotelly control sikuli, first add base64 encoded png image content as sikuli target with choosen name and then search this target via sikuli using same name.

String b64PNG = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(Files.readAllBytes(pngPath));
Strign myTargetName = "SomeUniqueName";
screen.addTarget(myTargetName, b64PNG);
ScreenRegion target = screen.find(myTargetName);

To upload file call method saveFile on FileTransfer object, eg:

String remotePath = files.saveFile(".html", "/path/to/test.hml");
driver.get("file://" + remotePath);


Install RealVNC or any other VNC client, and connect to (Chrome) or (Firefox)