

rad-shell logo

A fantastically feature rich, lightning-fast shell, using Zsh, Prezto, and Zgen.

Compatible with Oh-My-Zsh and Prezto plugins out of the box.


The only hard dependencies are:

Some plugins depend on:

If you find another dependency, please file a GitHub issue and I will add it here.

Installation / Uninstallation

Set Zsh as your default shell, if necessary: chsh -s /bin/zsh

Install with default plugins (quickstart)

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brandon-fryslie/rad-shell/master/install.sh | bash

This script:

Install without default plugins

If you want to install rad-shell without any default plugins, use this command:

export SKIP_DEFAULT_PLUGINS=true; curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brandon-fryslie/rad-shell/master/install.sh | bash

Existing oh-my-zsh (or other zsh) installation

If you're already using zsh or oh-my-zsh, follow these steps:

Note: rad-shell replaces some basic oh-my-zsh plugins with prezto. prezto is optimized for speed. You can still load any standard oh-my-zsh plugins, but rad-shell automatically loads the base functionality required for other plugins to work correctly.

The base plugins loaded are: environment terminal editor history directory spectrum utility completion prompt

Restore your old shell configuration

If you decide you don't want to use rad-shell, simply replace your ~/.zshrc file with the backup made during rad-shell installation.

Adding/removing plugins

Plugins are added or removed by modifying the ~/.rad-plugins file. Any change to this file will cause the plugins to reinitialized when a new terminal window is opened or by running source ~/.zshrc.

Plugins in the file follow this format:

# The generalized format is this:
github-repo-or-org/repo-name path/to/zsh/plugin

# Load a standard oh-my-zsh plugin
# Translates to url: https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/tree/master/plugins/docker
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh plugins/docker

# Custom plugins in root directory
# Tranlates to url: https://github.com/brandon-fryslie/rad-plugins/tree/master/docker
brandon-fryslie/rad-plugins docker

The lines in this file are passed directly to zgen load. Anything supported by the zgen load command is supported here. This means you can load plugins from any git url, including non-public sources (e.g., internal GitHub Enterprise).

Docs: https://github.com/tarjoilija/zgen#load-plugins-and-completions

Update plugins

To update your plugins, run zgen update. zgen handles updating all plugin repos via git.

Removing rad-shell

If you want to remove rad-shell entirely, remove the following files/directories:

Removing the rad-shell and zgen files is not necessary to stop using rad-shell. Removing or commenting out the line source $HOME/.rad-shell/rad-init.zsh in your ~/.zshrc file will accomplish this.


Note: most of this functionality comes from the rad-shell plugins repo: https://github.com/brandon-fryslie/rad-plugins


default theme: git-taculous

This is the standard theme included with rad-shell. It can be disabled by removing the line brandon-fryslie/rad-plugins git-taculous-theme/git-taculous from your ~/.rad-plugins file.

You can configure the default theme with several environment variables:




other themes

You can use other themes that are compatible with oh-my-zsh. Here are some: https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Themes

To use one of those, add it to your ~/.rad-plugins file the same as any other plugin.

Most oh-my-zsh themes work correctly, but not all of them do for whatever reason. This is a bug (or bugs) and might get fixed some day. We most likely just need to include more libs from the oh-my-zsh repo.


You can add new plugins to the ~/.rad-plugins file. Check out my dotfiles repo for an example of how to do this: https://github.com/brandon-fryslie/dotfiles/blob/master/dotfiles/rad-plugins

Zgen will clone the plugin repos to a local directory. To pull upstream changes, run zgen update. Zgen will pull the latest changes in all repos and then regenerate the init file the next time a shell is opened.


zgen update - tell zgen to update all of the plugins


Important: for your meta key (alt/option) to function properly, it must be set to 'Esc+' in the iTerm settings.

You can set that by running this command with iTerm closed (use Terminal): /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :"New Bookmarks":0:"Option Key Sends" 2' ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist

FilterList commands

These commands will display a filterable list that you can choose from.

When in the menu:

Press enter to execute the primary action Press meta + enter to execute the secondary action Press tab to access the list of possible actions

Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R - Search command history

Primary action: execute command

Secondary action: replace buffer with command

Meta+Shift+D - Search recent directories

Action: insert into buffer

Meta+Shift+F - Search recent files

Action: insert into buffer

Meta+Shift+B - Search git branches

Action: checkout branch

Meta+Shift+O - Search files tracked by git. Shows git status of files

Primary action: Edit file

Secondary action: Execute 'git add' on file

Meta+Shift+L - Search git log

Primary action: Insert SHA of selected commit

Secondary action: Execute 'git reset'

Meta+Shift+R - Search git reflog

Primary action: Insert SHA of selected commit

Secondary action: Execute 'git reset'

Meta+Shift+S - Show git status

Primary action: Execute 'git add' on selected file

Secondary action: Execute 'git add -p' on selected file. -p (patch) allows adding specific hunks to the commit

Meta+Shift+S - Show Zaw menu

The Zaw menu will give you access to all sources


The example .zshrc file includes several great plugins by default:

Zaw & Fasd

Zaw provides a UI to incrementally search lists from multiple sources, similar to Helm in emacs.

Fasd keeps track of recently accessed directories and files, allowing you to access it with Zaw.

'Filter search' commands are provided by Zaw


Important: For the time being, you must use my fork of the project which has an important bugfix with regards to module loading order. You might see errors about functions not being defined if using the official Zgen repo.

There is a PR open with the fix that I hope will be merged: https://github.com/tarjoilija/zgen/pull/87

DEPRECATION WARNING for pre-alpha rad-shell users

If you are a rad-shell user who recently updated and now you are missing plugins, the plugins were moved into the repo here: https://github.com/brandon-fryslie/rad-plugins. Please update your plugin configuration file accordingly.

~/.zgen-setup.zsh is DEPRECATED

If your rad-shell installation is using this file, please follow the instructions below

Due to a recent major refactoring, I recommend reinstalling rad-shell to get the newest version of the rad-shell source code. Simply follow the installation instructions again, then copy any customizations from your old ~/.zshrc (which will be renamed to ~/.zshrc.nn.bak where 'n' is a number) file to the new ~/.zshrc file generated during installation.

The new rad-shell will update itself automatically whenever you run zgen update, so you won't need to do this again. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for being an early user of rad-shell and helping to make it better for everyone.