


build status

An AngularJS service provider to utilize indexedDB with angular

##Release Notes


Bugfix release. Addresses a problem with opening multiple stores and a problem with using this library in non-native indexedDB environments.


Lots of changes. The way of interacting with stores has changed so that you can operate more transaction-aware. Many things did not work in the prior version correctly. The service is now well tested and the base build is written in coffeescript.


For installation the use of Bower is recommended.


Call the following command on your command line:

bower install --save angular-indexed-db

And add the following line to your html file, for example index.html:

<script src="bower_components/angular-indexedDB/angular-indexed-db.js"></script>


<script src="angular-indexed-db.js"></script>


Normally, and as a recommendation, you have only one indexedDB per app. Thus in your app.js where you define your module, you do:

angular.module('myModuleName', ['indexedDB'])
  .config(function ($indexedDBProvider) {
      .upgradeDatabase(1, function(event, db, tx){
        var objStore = db.createObjectStore('people', {keyPath: 'ssn'});
        objStore.createIndex('name_idx', 'name', {unique: false});
        objStore.createIndex('age_idx', 'age', {unique: false});

The connection method takes the databasename as parameter, the upgradeCallback has 3 parameters: function callback(event, database, transaction). AngularJS-indexedDB supports incremental upgrades. Simply define what to do for each version incrementally:

angular.module('myModuleName', ['indexedDB'])
  .config(function ($indexedDBProvider) {
      .upgradeDatabase(1, function(event, db, tx){
        var objStore = db.createObjectStore('people', {keyPath: 'ssn'});
        objStore.createIndex('name_idx', 'name', {unique: false});
        objStore.createIndex('age_idx', 'age', {unique: false});
      .upgradeDatabase(2, function(event, db, tx){
        db.createObjectStore('peoplePhones', {keyPath: 'person_ssn'});

When upgrade is required only the migrations which have not been run yet will be run. For upgrading your db structure, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/IndexedDB/Using_IndexedDB.

You can also define your own error handlers, overwriting the default ones, which log to console.

Inside your controller you use $indexedDB like this:

  .controller('myControllerName', function($scope, $indexedDB) {
    $scope.objects = [];
    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
      store.insert({"ssn": "444-444-222-111","name": "John Doe", "age": 57}).then(function(e){...});
      store.getAll().then(function(people) {  
        // Update scope
        $scope.objects = people;


When you open a store a transaction is created for all of your actions against that store you receive a promise for each operation within your transaction and also for the transaction as a whole as the result of "openStore". The transaction resolves successfully after state has been fully persisted.

store operations

The following operations are allowed on a store..

    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
        $scope.primaryKeys = e;
    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
        // do something
    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
        // do something
    // build photo array to upsert
    var addToPhotos = [];
    for(var j=0; j < file.length; j++){
        var photo = {"topicID": $scope.topicID, "filetype": file[j].filetype, "content": file[j].base64}
    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
      // multiple items
        // do something
      // single item
      store.upsert({"id": $scope.topicID, "name": $scope.topicName}).then(function (e) {
        // do something
    // build photo array to upsert
    var addToPhotos = [];
    for(var j=0; j < file.length; j++){
        var photo = {"topicID": $scope.topicID, "filetype": file[j].filetype, "content": file[j].base64}
    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
      // multiple items
        // do something
      // single item
      store.insert({"id": $scope.topicID, "name": $scope.topicName}).then(function (e) {
        // do something
    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
      store.getAll().then(function(topics) {  
        // Update scope
        $scope.topics = topics;
$indexedDB.openStore('photos', function(photos){
  // build query
  var find = photos.query();
  find = find.$eq($scope.topicID);
  find = find.$index("topicID_idx");
  // update scope
      $scope.photos = e;
    $indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){
        $scope.count = e;
$indexedDB.openStore('photos', function(photos){
      $scope.photo = e;
$indexedDB.openStore('photos', function(photos){
  photos.findBy($scope.indexName, $scope.key).then(function(e){
      $scope.photo = e;
var find = photos.query();
find = find.$eq($scope.topicID);
find = find.$index("topicID_idx");

// available query functions
  $lt(value) - less than
  $gt(value) - greater than
  $lte(value) - less than or equal
  $gte(value) - greater than or equal
  $eq(value) - equal
  $between(lower, upper, doNotIncludeLowerBound? true/false, doNotIncludeUpperBound true/false) - between two bounds
  $desc(unique) - descending order
  $asc(unique) - ascending order
  $index(value) - name of index