

MicroPython package template

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MicroPython PyPi package template project with auto deploy


MicroPython PyPi package template with GitHub Action based testing and deploy

📚 The latest documentation is available at MicroPython Package Template ReadTheDocs 📚

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Install required tools

Python3 must be installed on your system. Check the current Python version with the following command

python --version
python3 --version

Depending on which command Python 3.x.y (with x.y as some numbers) is returned, use that command to proceed.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt


Install package

Connect the MicroPython device to a network (if possible)

import network
station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
station.connect('SSID', 'PASSWORD')


Install the latest package version of this lib on the MicroPython device

import mip

For MicroPython versions below 1.19.1 use the upip package instead of mip

import upip

Specific version

Install a specific, fixed package version of this lib on the MicroPython device

import mip
# install a verions of a specific branch
mip.install("github:brainelectronics/micropython-package-template", version="feature/initial-implementation")
# install a tag version
mip.install("github:brainelectronics/micropython-package-template", version="0.6.0")

For MicroPython versions below 1.19.1 use the upip package instead of mip. With upip always the latest available version will be installed.

import upip

Test version

Install a specific release candidate version uploaded to Test Python Package Index on every PR on the MicroPython device. If no specific version is set, the latest stable version will be used.

import mip
mip.install("github:brainelectronics/micropython-package-template", version="0.6.0-rc9.dev13")

For MicroPython versions below 1.19.1 use the upip package instead of mip. With upip always the latest available version will be installed.

import upip
# overwrite index_urls to only take artifacts from test.pypi.org
upip.index_urls = ['https://test.pypi.org/pypi']

See also brainelectronics Test PyPi Server in Docker for a test PyPi server running on Docker.


Upload files to board

Copy the module to the MicroPython board and import them as shown below using Remote MicroPython shell

Open the remote shell with the following command. Additionally use -b 115200 in case no CP210x is used but a CH34x.

rshell --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --editor nano

Perform the following command inside the rshell to copy all files and folders to the device

mkdir /pyboard/lib
mkdir /pyboard/lib/be_upy_blink

cp be_upy_blink/* /pyboard/lib/be_upy_blink

cp examples/main.py /pyboard
cp examples/boot.py /pyboard


from be_upy_blink import flash_led
from machine import Pin

led_pin = Pin(4, Pin.OUT)

flash_led(pin=led_pin, amount=3)
# flash_led(pin=led_pin, amount=3, on_time=1, off_time=3)

Create a PyPi (micropython) package


Install the required python package with the following command in a virtual environment to avoid any conflicts with other packages installed on your local system.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install twine

Create a distribution

This module overrides distutils (also compatible with setuptools) sdist command to perform pre- and post-processing as required for MicroPython's upip package manager. This script is taken from pfalcon's picoweb and updated to be PEP8 conform.

python setup.py sdist

A new folder dist will be created. The sdist_upip will be used to create everything necessary.

Upload to PyPi

Be aware: pypi.org and test.pypi.org are different

You can NOT login to test.pypi.org with the pypi.org account unless you created the same on the other. See invalid auth help page of test pypi

For testing purposes add --repository testpypi to upload it to test.pypi.org

twine upload dist/micropython-package-template-*.tar.gz -u PYPI_USERNAME -p PYPI_PASSWORD



Run the unittests locally with the following command after installing this package in a virtual environment

# create a report directory where all generated report files are placed
python create_report_dirs.py
# run all tests
nose2 --config tests/unittest.cfg

# run only one specific tests
nose2 tests.test_blink.TestBlink.test_flash_led

Generate the coverage files with

coverage html

The coverage report is placed at reports/coverage/html/index.html

Steps after using this template

In order to use this template for a new MicroPython package to following steps should be done and changes to these file being made

FileChangesMore details
.coveragercPath to version.py fileOmit version file from coverage
.coveragercPath to include folderInclude the package folder for coverage
.github/workflows/release.ymlPath to version.py fileUse package version file to set changelog based version
.github/workflows/test-release.ymlPath to version.py fileUse package version file to set changelog based version
.github/workflows/test.ymlPath to version.py fileUse package version file to set changelog based version
.pre-commit-config.yamlPath to version.py fileUse package version file for validation against latest changelog based version
README.mdLinks in header section and installation instructions
changelog.mdCleanup changelog from informations of templateKeep usage of SemVer
docs/DOCUMENTATION.mdKink to ReadTheDocs
docs/conf.pyList to modules to be mocked, package import, path to version.py file, update author, project and linkcheck_ignore
docs/index.rstHeader name and included modulesReplace be_upy_blink with new .rst file of new package
docs/NEW_MODULE_NAME.rstCreate a new .rst file named as the packageUse docs/be_upy_blink.rst as template
package.jsonFiles and paths to new package and repoUsed by mip
setup.pyPath to version.py file, name, description, url, author, author_email, keywords, project_urls, packages, install_requiresUsed to create the package and its informations published at e.g. PyPI


Based on the PyPa sample project.

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