


JSS Asset Tag Importer - Get those asset tags into your Casper JSS. For Mobile Devices and Computers!

JSS Asset Tag importer - v.3

Authored by Brad Schmidt @bradschm on 12/29/2015

Updated formating and issue with detection of smart group on 07/01/2016


I am not providing any kind of warranty. This has been thoroughly tested in my environments but I cannot guarantee that this script is not without bugs. Thank you



For more detailed instructions, check out the [Quickstart] (https://github.com/bradschm/jss-assettag-importer/wiki/Quickstart)

  1. Make an JSS User Account and give it these API rights:
  1. Save a csv file of your serial numbers and asset tags. Format is assettag,serialnumber. In other words, the first column is the asset tag and the second is the serialnumber.
  2. Run the jss-importer.py script - be patient, this could take a while. Creating the groups can take a long time in large environments. Touching each record isn't blazing fast either but I did put in a progress counter ;)

Example command to execute: Open Terminal and run: python path/to/jss-assettag-importer.py