Memcache session support for Gorilla Web Toolkit.
The usual gorilla stuff:
go get
For an ASCII memcache client:
go get
For a binary memcache client with SASL authentication:
go get
import (
// or
gsm ""
// set up your memcache client
memcacheClient := gsm.NewGoMemcacher(memcache.New("localhost:11211"))
// or
memcacheClient := mc.NewMC("localhost:11211", "username", "password")
// set up your session store
store := gsm.NewMemcacherStore(memcacheClient, "session_prefix_", []byte("secret-key-goes-here"))
// and the rest of it is the same as any other gorilla session handling:
func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
session, _ := store.Get(r, "session-name")
session.Values["foo"] = "bar"
session.Values[42] = 43
session.Save(r, w)
// you can also setup a MemCacheStore, which does not rely on the browser accepting cookies.
// this means, your client has to extract and send a configurable http Headerfield manually.
// e.g.
// set up your memcache client
memcacheClient := gsm.NewGoMemcacher(memcache.New("localhost:11211"))
// or
memcacheClient := mc.NewMC("localhost:11211", "username", "password")
// set up your session store relying on a http Headerfield: `X-CUSTOM-HEADER`
store := gsm.NewMemcacherStoreWithValueStorer(memcacheClient, &gsm.HeaderStorer{HeaderFieldName:"X-CUSTOM-HEADER"}, "session_prefix_", []byte("secret-key-goes-here"))
// and the rest of it is the same as any other gorilla session handling:
// The client has to send the session information in the header-field: `X-CUSTOM-HEADER`
func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
session, _ := store.Get(r, "session-name")
session.Values["foo"] = "bar"
session.Values[42] = 43
session.Save(r, w)
Storage Methods
I've added a few different methods of storage of the session data in memcache. You use them by setting the StoreMethod field.
- SecureCookie - uses the default securecookie encoding. Values are more secure as they are not readable from memcache without the secret key.
- Gob - uses the Gob encoder directly without any post processing. Faster. Result is Gob's usual binary gibber (not human readable)
- Json - uses the Json Marshaller. Result is human readable, slower but still pretty fast. Be careful - it will munch your data into stuff that works with JSON, and the keys must be strings. Example: you put in an int64 value and you'll get back a float64.
store := gsm.NewMemcacherStore(memcacheClient, "session_prefix_", []byte("..."))
// do one of these:
store.StoreMethod = gsm.StoreMethodSecureCookie // default, more secure
store.StoreMethod = gsm.StoreMethodGob // faster
store.StoreMethod = gsm.StoreMethodJson // human readable
// (but watch out, it munches your types
// to JSON compatible stuff)
Logging is available by setting the Logging field to > 0 after making your MemcacheStore.
store := gsm.NewMemcacherStore(memcacheClient, "session_prefix_", []byte("..."))
store.Logging = 1
That will output (using log.Printf
) data about each session read/written from/to memcache.
Useful for debugging
Things to Know
No official release has been done of this package but it should be stable for production use.
You can also call NewDumbMemorySessionStore() for local development without a memcache server (it's a stub that just stuffs your session data in a map - definitely do not use this for anything but local dev and testing).