


This is a Vim plugin to provide text objects for Python functions and classes. It provides the following objects:

It also provides a few motions in normal and operator-pending mode:


It requires kana's vim-textobj-user, version 0.4.0 or later. I recommend installing both vim-textobj-user and vim-textobj-python with pathogen.


If you'd like to change the default mappings (whether for personal preference or to avoid conflicts with other plugins, define a global variable g:textobj_python_no_default_key_mappings before this plugin is loaded (typically in your vimrc):

let g:textobj_python_no_default_key_mappings = 1

Then define the mappings with the helper function:

call textobj#user#map('python', {
      \   'class': {
      \     'select-a': '<buffer>ac',
      \     'select-i': '<buffer>ic',
      \     'move-n': '<buffer>]pc',
      \     'move-p': '<buffer>[pc',
      \   },
      \   'function': {
      \     'select-a': '<buffer>af',
      \     'select-i': '<buffer>if',
      \     'move-n': '<buffer>]pf',
      \     'move-p': '<buffer>[pf',
      \   }
      \ })

You can also use :TextobjPythonDefaultKeyMappings to redefine the default key mappings. This command doesn't override existing mappings, unless [!] is given.

You can also manually define the mappings as follows:

xmap aF <Plug>(textobj-python-function-a)
omap aF <Plug>(textobj-python-function-a)
xmap iF <Plug>(textobj-python-function-i)
omap iF <Plug>(textobj-python-function-i)

Unit tests

There are a few unit tests available in test/. They're written using Vader.

Build Status


def foo(bar,
        baz): pass