

[!WARNING] OneDriveGUI v1.1.0 is only compatible with OneDrive client v2.5.0 . There is no backward compatibility with older OneDrive client versions. Please use OneDriveGUI v1.0.3 for OneDrive client v2.4.x .

[!IMPORTANT] If you are using sync_business_shared_folders in of OneDrive v2.4.0, you will need to manually remove it from the config file. Check the client documentation for more details.

[!NOTE] If your OneDrive client v2.5 is not installed system wide, you can manually define the path to the OneDrive binary in the GUI settings.




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A simple GUI for Linux OneDrive Client with multi-account support. image

Feature highlights

Known Limitations


Other notes

Running and Installing OneDriveGUI

:exclamation:Ensure the latest version of OneDrive for Linux is installed based on instructions for your distro.


  1. Download the latest OneDriveGUI-*-x86_64.AppImage from the release assets
  2. Make the .AppImage file executable with chmod +x ./OneDriveGUI-<**version**>-x86_64.AppImage and run it.
:memo:Users of Ubuntu 22.04+ may also need to install FUSE2 with sudo apt install libfuse2


Running from source

  1. Ensure Python3 and pip are installed on your system.

  2. Clone or download content of this repository and cd into the resultant folder.

    git clone https://github.com/bpozdena/OneDriveGUI.git
    cd OneDriveGUI
  3. Install dependencies:

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Start OneDrive GUI:

    cd src/
    python3 OneDriveGUI.py

    Optionally, you can detach the GUI from terminal by using the bellow command:

    cd src/
    nohup python3 OneDriveGUI.py > /dev/null 2>&1&


Additional Notes