

Containers & AKS: Taking Sitecore 10 to the next level

Installing prerequisite software

The current script will install Kubernetes version 1.17.11. If you want to change to another version, please update the scripts.

# list Azure locations
az account list-locations -o table

# get  Azure locations
az aks get-versions -l west-europe -o table 

KubernetesVersion    Upgrades
-------------------  ------------------------
1.19.0(preview)      None available
1.18.8               1.19.0(preview)
1.18.6               1.18.8, 1.19.0(preview)
1.17.11              1.18.6, 1.18.8
1.17.9               1.17.11, 1.18.6, 1.18.8
1.16.15              1.17.9, 1.17.11
1.16.13              1.16.15, 1.17.9, 1.17.11


All the scripts has default values in place.

Create the Azure resource group, and create Azure Container Registry

.\1.CreateDepends.ps1 -Region ... -ResourceGroup ... -MyRegistry ... -SkuAcr ... 

Create the AKS Kubernetes cluster:

.\2.CreateAKS.ps1 -Region -ResourceGroup -AksName -AcrName -AzureWindowsPassword   

Install the tools:

.\3.InstallTools.ps1 -Region -ResourceGroup -AksName -AcrName 

Set-up cluster


Create solution


Deploy the external services


Intiozalie the external services


Deploy the solution
