Vue Pro Sidebar
A responsive sidebar template version of the HTML pro side bar which has a configuration of files structure and Vue ecosystem including Vuex and Vue-router (with code splitting feature) it's developed using Vue-cli 3, it's serves as starter and saves your time when you launch a new project.
Original versions made by Azouaoui Mohamed Check HTML version And Angular version
And React version developed by bRIMOs
Quick start
Clone the project and go to its root and run
npm install
npm run serve
Navigate to
This app doesn't use any CSS framework or assets provider.
Directory structure
|_@use // it contains composition functions (from composition api plugin)
|_assets // it contains images, fonts ...
|_components // reusable components like buttons, dropdowns ...
|_directives // where you define your custom directives
|_layout // the page layout which contains header,sidebar and main content
|_routes // where you define the router and the different navigation routes
|_store // it contains the global Vuex store
|_styles // it contains the CSS and SCSS files
|_utils // where you define the global function helpers
|_views // the pages and routes which should be shown in the main content
|_app.scss // it contains common and global style
|_app.vue // the root component
|_main.js // it defines the vue instance and uses the different plugin
This code is released under the MIT license.