

<img src="graphics/kraken.png" width="450" />

Kraken is a simple cross-platform Yara scanner that can be built for Windows, Mac, FreeBSD and Linux. It is primarily intended for incident response, research and ad-hoc detections (not for endpoint protection). Following are the core features:

Some features are still under work or almost completed:


How to use

Launch Kraken with any of the available options:

Usage of kraken:
      --backend string   Specify a particular hostname to the backend to connect to (overrides the default)
      --daemon           Enable daemon mode (this will also enable the report flag)
      --debug            Enable debug logs
      --folder string    Specify a particular folder to be scanned (overrides the default full filesystem)
      --no-autoruns      Disable scanning of autoruns
      --no-filesystem    Disable scanning of filesystem
      --no-process       Disable scanning of running processes
      --report           Enable reporting of events to the backend
      --rules            Specify a particular path to a file or folder containing the Yara rules to use

User Guide

For details on how to install, use and build Kraken you should refer to the User Guide. The original source files for the documentation are available here, please open any issue or pull request pertinent to documentation there.


Kraken is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 and is copyrighted to Claudio Guarnieri.