

<h1 align="center">🤖 Telegram Bot Template</h1> <img align="right" width="35%" src="https://github.com/bot-base/telegram-bot-template/assets/26162440/c4371683-3e99-4b1c-ae8e-11ccbea78f4b">

Bot starter template based on grammY bot framework.



Follow these steps to set up and run your bot using this template:

  1. Create a New Repository

    Start by creating a new repository using this template. You can do this by clicking here.

  2. Environment Variables Setup

    Create an environment variables file by copying the provided example file:

    cp .env.example .env

    Open the newly created .env file and set the BOT_TOKEN environment variable.

  3. Launching the Bot

    You can run your bot in both development and production modes.

    Development Mode:

    Install the required dependencies:

    npm install

    Start the bot in watch mode (auto-reload when code changes):

    npm run dev

    Production Mode:

    Install only production dependencies:

    npm install --only=prod

    Set DEBUG environment variable to false in your .env file.

    Start the bot in production mode:

    npm run start:force # skip type checking and start
    # or
    npm start # with type checking (requires development dependencies)

List of Available Commands

Directory Structure

  ├── locales # Localization files
  └── src
      ├── bot # Code related to bot
      │   ├── callback-data # Callback data builders
      │   ├── features      # Bot features
      │   ├── filters       # Update filters
      │   ├── handlers      # Update handlers
      │   ├── helpers       # Helper functions
      │   ├── keyboards     # Keyboard builders
      │   ├── middlewares   # Bot middlewares
      │   ├── i18n.ts       # Internationalization setup
      │   ├── context.ts    # Context object definition
      │   └── index.ts      # Bot entry point
      ├── server # Code related to web server
      │   ├── middlewares   # Server middlewares
      │   ├── environment   # Server environment setup
      │   └── index.ts      # Server entry point
      ├── config.ts # Application config
      ├── logger.ts # Logging setup
      └── main.ts   # Application entry point


Docker (docker.com)

Branch: deploy/docker-compose (open diff)

Use in your project:

  1. Add the template repository as a remote
git remote add template git@github.com:bot-base/telegram-bot-template.git
git remote update
  1. Merge deployment setup
git merge template/deploy/docker-compose -X theirs --squash --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories
  1. Follow the usage instructions in the deploy/docker-compose branch.

Vercel (vercel.com)

Branch: deploy/vercel (open diff)

Use in your project:

  1. Add the template repository as a remote
git remote add template git@github.com:bot-base/telegram-bot-template.git
git remote update
  1. Merge deployment setup
git merge template/deploy/vercel -X theirs --squash --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories
  1. Follow the usage instructions in the deploy/vercel branch.


grammY conversations (grammy.dev/plugins/conversations)

Branch: example/plugin-conversations (open diff)

Use in your project:

  1. Add the template repository as a remote
git remote add template git@github.com:bot-base/telegram-bot-template.git
git remote update
  1. Merge example
git merge template/example/plugin-conversations -X theirs --squash --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories
  1. Install dependencies
npm i @grammyjs/conversations
  1. Follow the usage instructions in the example/plugin-conversations branch.

Prisma ORM (prisma.io)

Branch: example/orm-prisma (open diff)

Use in your project:

  1. Add the template repository as a remote
git remote add template git@github.com:bot-base/telegram-bot-template.git
git remote update
  1. Merge example
git merge template/example/orm-prisma -X theirs --squash --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories
  1. Install dependencies
npm i -D prisma
npm i @prisma/client
  1. Follow the usage instructions in the example/orm-prisma branch.

Bun (bun.sh)

Branch: example/runtime-bun (open diff)

Use in your project:

  1. Add the template repository as a remote
git remote add template git@github.com:bot-base/telegram-bot-template.git
git remote update
  1. Merge example
git merge template/example/runtime-bun -X theirs --squash --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories
  1. Install dependencies
# remove Node-related dependencies
npm r @types/node tsx tsc-watch

# install dependencies
bun i

# remove npm lockfile
rm package-lock.json

# install bun typings
bun add -d @types/bun
  1. Follow the usage instructions in the example/runtime-bun branch.

Environment Variables

<table> <thead> <tr> <th>Variable</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>BOT_TOKEN</td> <td> String </td> <td> Telegram Bot API token obtained from <a href="https://t.me/BotFather">@BotFather</a>. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>BOT_MODE</td> <td> String </td> <td> Specifies method to receive incoming updates (<code>polling</code> or <code>webhook</code>). </td> </tr> <tr> <td>LOG_LEVEL</td> <td> String </td> <td> <i>Optional.</i> Specifies the application log level. <br/> Use <code>info</code> for general logging. Check the <a href="https://github.com/pinojs/pino/blob/master/docs/api.md#level-string">Pino documentation</a> for more log level options. <br/> Defaults to <code>info</code>. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEBUG</td> <td>Boolean</td> <td> <i>Optional.</i> Enables debug mode. You may use <code>config.isDebug</code> flag to enable debugging functions. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>BOT_WEBHOOK</td> <td> String </td> <td> <i>Optional in <code>polling</code> mode.</i> Webhook endpoint URL, used to configure webhook. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>BOT_WEBHOOK_SECRET</td> <td> String </td> <td> <i>Optional in <code>polling</code> mode.</i> A secret token that is used to ensure that a request is sent from Telegram, used to configure webhook. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>SERVER_HOST</td> <td> String </td> <td> <i>Optional in <code>polling</code> mode.</i> Specifies the server hostname. <br/> Defaults to <code></code>. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>SERVER_PORT</td> <td> Number </td> <td> <i>Optional in <code>polling</code> mode.</i> Specifies the server port. <br/> Defaults to <code>80</code>. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>BOT_ALLOWED_UPDATES</td> <td> Array of String </td> <td> <i>Optional.</i> A JSON-serialized list of the update types you want your bot to receive. See <a href="https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#update">Update</a> for a complete list of available update types. <br/> Defaults to an empty array (all update types except <code>chat_member</code>, <code>message_reaction</code> and <code>message_reaction_count</code>). </td> </tr> <tr> <td>BOT_ADMINS</td> <td> Array of Number </td> <td> <i>Optional.</i> Administrator user IDs. Use this to specify user IDs that have special privileges, such as executing <code>/setcommands</code>. <br/> Defaults to an empty array. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>