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  1. Follow all(*) followers of a given user
  2. Like the latest 3 (configurable) posts of all your followers
  3. Like the latest 3 (configurable) posts of all your followings
  4. Like the latest ~16 posts of your timeline
  5. Unfollow people that don't follow you back

Configurable waiting time between operations

(*) Note: only the accounts that meet a specific criteria.


$ go get -v github.com/borteo/ermes

Get started

If you have already govendor installed, start from point 2:

  1. $ go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
  2. $ govendor sync
  3. $ go build
  4. $ ./ermes [-h -followers -followings -user={username} -timeline] [-skip]

Use the flag -h to see all the available flags.

For instance, to run feature #5: $ ./ermes -unfollow

Note: -skip flag works only with followers, followings and user


This is a WIP project, feel free to fork it and/or create PRs/Issues.



This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Instagram or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial pseudo-bot. Use at your own risk.