<h1 align="center"> next-advanced-apollo-starter </h1> <h4 align="center"> Advanced and minimalistic Next.js and Apollo starter </h4> <p align="center"> <a href="#whats-included">What's included</a> • <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a> • <a href="#apollo-usage">Apollo usage</a> • <a href="#tests">Tests</a> • <a href="#docker-usage">Docker usage</a> </p>What's included
- Latest Next.js version.
- Latest packages updates.
- GraphQL Apollo client with built-in cookie-based JWT token authentication.
- Works both via Client-Side Rendering and Server-Side Rendering;
- TypeScript environment.
- Normalize.css included.
- No custom server.
Developer experience
- Testing environment via Jest and @testing-library/react.
- Configured GraphQL Code Generator. Simply run
yarn codegen
. - Prettier for code formatting.
- Debug configuration for VSCode.
- Docker configuration to serve production-ready build with Nginx.
Getting started
No extra knowledge needed to get started, see Next.js documentation.
GraphQL Code Generation
Generated interfaces for co-located .graphql files. See the example.
yarn codegen
Apollo usage
Jest is a great tool for testing. To run tests simply use test
script from package.json
yarn test
Pretty much everything you need to know about project structure, SSR, etc., you can find in the official Next.js documentation.
Docker usage
To build and run Dockerized production-ready container, run:
docker-compose up --build