

Remy, a reMarkable tablet manager app

The goal of Remy is to allow simple interaction with the reMarkable tablet over ssh, without needing the cloud service, nor the USB Web UI.



:warning: Remarkable Software Version 3 is NOT SUPPORTED :warning:<br/> Remy has only been tested on versions of the remarkable software <=2. In particular Remy does not support v3 and the new v6 file format (yet). See #49 for updates

This is a work-in-progress with incomplete features. It has not been thoroughly tested. These instructions are preliminary and will be expanded with time. Feel free to populate the wiki!

I did my best to make sure usage of Remy will not incur in data loss. Most of the features exclusively read from the tablet and are completely safe, even if they may fail on the computer side. The only features that alters data on the tablet is the upload feature. It is however very unlikely to cause any problem since it only adds files. In any case, it is highly advisable to back up your data before playing with it!

For a basic backup of the tablet's data:

scp -rp REMARKABLEHOST:/home/root/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl .


Pre-built bundles are in the roadmap but not available yet. The easiest way to install Remy is via pip (from the root of this repo):

pip install --user ".[default]"

There are few variants which might be suitable for different environments:

# To install Remy without PDF preview support:
pip install --user .
# To install Remy with PDF preview support via `PyMuPDF` (equivalent to default):
pip install --user ".[mupdf]"
# To install Remy with PDF preview support via `python-poppler-qt5`:
pip install --user ".[poppler]"
# To install Remy with support for lines simplification:
pip install --user ".[simpl]"

Combinations are also possible, for example pip install --user ".[mupdf,simpl]".

After installation the tool can be launched by running remy from a console (or python -m remy.gui).

Manual installation

Remy's installation has been tested on MacOs Monterey, python version 3.8.

The mandatory dependencies are:

Only required for previewing PDF files:


The entry point is remy.gui:

python -m remy.gui


The main intended usage is as a GUI for connecting to the tablet. The app however also supports reading from a local backup. The main entry point for the app is remy.gui.


Starting it the fist time with python -m remy.gui will show an error message with the path where the app is expecting to find a configuration file (on macOS it would be something like /Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/remy.json). The message box will offer to open the file and populate it with some basic defaults. These should be enough to test basic functionality but much more can be obtained by properly configuring Remy. The configuration file is a JSON file with the following structure:

  "sources": {
      "source1": {...},
      "source2": {...},
  "default_source": "source1",
  "palettes" : {...},
  "preview": {...},
  "export": {...},
  "upload": {...},
  "mathpix" : {...}

The only mandatory section is sources. Each section is documented below. The file example_config.json is an example configuration that you can adapt to your needs. IMPORTANT: the format is vanilla JSON; trailing commas and C-like comments are not supported. The file is parsed using Python's standard json module.

Source types

Each source defines a possible way to get the contents to display. The default_source settings indicates which source to load if none is specified in the command line. If default_source is false or not set, then Remy shows a dialog allowing you to pick a source among the available ones. There are three supported kinds of sources: local, ssh and rsync.

Local source

A local source expects to find the data at a local path (e.g. from a backup folder):

  "name": "Latest Backup",
  "type": "local",
  "documents": "/path-to/backup/latest",
  "templates": "/path-to/templates"

The documents folder is expected to have the same structure as the /home/root/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl on the tablet. The "maintenance" folders .cache, .thumbnails, .textconversion, .highlights are not needed. The templates folder is expected to be a local copy of the /usr/share/remarkable/templates folder on the tablet. Obviously, this source is read-only: you cannot upload PDFs to it.

SSH source

  "name": "reMarkable (WiFi)",
  "type": "ssh",
  "host": "",
  "key": "~/.ssh/id_rsa_remarkable",
  "username": "root",
  "timeout": 3,
  "persist_cache": true,
  "use_banner": "remy-banner.png"

The SSH-type source connects to the tabled via SSH. The tablet needs to be either plugged via USB (in which case you should set "host": "") or via WiFi, in which case you need to find the address assigned to the tablet or you can use the hostname "reMarkable" (if your router supports hostname resolution) in the "About" section of the tablet's settings. Most settings are optional, you can also use password instead of key. The option "host" falls back to the USB configuration "". The use_banner setting is optional and described below. It is possible to specify remote_documents and remote_templates, these paths need to be absolute ("~" expansion does not work).

It is possible to configure where the cache of the data from the tablet is stored, by setting cache_dir. The cache is kept across runs, and files are re-downloaded if modified date or size have changed. This might leave behind some files and might miss some updates. By setting persist_cache to true the cache is cleared every time.

Rsync source

  "name": "reMarkable (RSync)",
  "type": "rsync",
  "data_dir": "/path-to/remy",
  "host": "",
  "key": "~/.ssh/id_rsa_remarkable",
  "username": "root",
  "timeout": 3,
  "use_banner": "remy-banner.png",
  "cache_mode": "on_demand",
  "rsync_path": "/path/to/local/rsync",
  "rsync_options": [ "--rsync-path=/opt/bin/rsync" ]

This is an optimised version of the SSH source. While SSH works without extra dependencies, the rsync source requires rsync to be installed on the reMarkable. A mandatory setting is data_dir which should point to a directory which can be managed by Remy to keep a partial copy of the tablet's data. Every time you connect, only the changes are downloaded. The data-heavy files (PDFs and .rm) are downloaded on demand. The optional settings rsync_path provides the path to the local rsync binary and rsync_options provides additional options, the example above configures the options to find the rsync binary on the remarkable installed using entware.

The cache_mode option can take three values:

The mirror options can be used in combination with a local source: it is possible to have two sources, one local (A) and one RSync (B), with A's documents setting pointing at the documents directory inside of data_dir of B (and same for templates). This way every time one connects to B a full backup is stored, and the same backup can be accessed offline through A.

The use_banner option

When this option is set, the main UI of the tabled will be temporarily disabled while Remy is open. This is intended as an helpful prompt and a way to avoid conflicts on data access. The feature works best if the setting is the filename (can be absolute, or relative to home) of a png file stored on the tablet (there's a nice remy-banner.png in the asset folders you can upload with scp) and remarkable-splash is installed on the tablet.

If Remy crashes and the remarkable seems unresponsive it is only because Remy re-enables the main UI of the tabled on exit; to regain control of the tablet you have three options: try and run Remy again and close it cleanly; or run ssh REMARKABLEHOST /bin/systemctl start xochitl; or manually reboot the device. Don't worry nothing bad is happening to the tablet in this circumstance.

Palettes section

The palettes section is a dictionary of color palettes, for example:

"palettes": {
    "review": {
        "black": "red",
        "gray": "#009C26"
    "grayscale": {
        "black": "black",
        "gray": "#bbbbbb",
        "blend_gray": "#7fbbbbbb",
        "white": "white",
        "blue": "#cccccc",
        "red": "#dddddd",
        "highlight": "#7fcccccc",
        "yellow": "#7fcccccc",
        "green": "#7fbbbbbb",
        "pink": "#7fdddddd"

There is always a 'default' palette with the built-in choice of colors. You can overwrite it by redefining it in the palettes dictionary. All other palettes inherit the non-specified colors from the built-in defaults.

The palettes defined in the section are used in two ways:

The color identifiers are black, gray, white, blue, and red, and for the highlighter colors they are highlight (for the old opacity-based yellow highlighter) yellow, green, pink, and blend_gray for the opacity-based gray introduced in update 2.13.

Currently it is not possible to change the pencil's color.

Render options

The preview and export sections can contain settings that affect the rendering (which we will group in the explanation as RENDER_OPTIONS).

All these settings are optional. The RENDER_OPTIONS settings can set the following keys:

Preview options

The preview section contains RENDER_OPTIONS determining how the previewer will render notebooks.

"preview": {

Export options

The export section determines the defaults used for exporting notebooks to PDFs. In addition to RENDER_OPTIONS you can also set the default_dir and the open_exported settings

"export": {
  "default_dir": "/path/to/folder",
  "open_exported": true,

The highlighter colors will be rendered with opacity 50% since the PDF exporter of Qt5 does not support blend modes.

Upload options

The upload section determines the defaults used for documents uploaded via Remy. This section can contain three sub-sections, all optional:

"export": {
  "default_options": UPLOAD_OPTIONS,
  "pdf_options": UPLOAD_OPTIONS,
  "epub_options": UPLOAD_OPTIONS

Here, UPLOAD_OPTIONS is a dictionary which would overwrite the default values stored in the .contents metadata files on the tablet. This includes information about the initial tool settings like selected tool, width for each tool, color for each tool etc. The available options are whichever ones are supported by the tablet. They are undocumented and so this setting is done through guesswork; making mistakes should not be harmful however.

The options in pdf_options and epub_options inherit the ones in default_options. Here is an example:

"default_options": {
    "extraMetadata": {
        "LastBallpointv2Color": "Black",
        "LastBallpointv2Size": "2",
        "LastCalligraphyColor": "Black",
        "LastCalligraphySize": "3",
        "LastEraserSize": "1",
        "LastEraserTool": "Eraser",
        "LastFinelinerv2Color": "Black",
        "LastFinelinerv2Size": "1",
        "LastHighlighterv2Color": "HighlighterYellow",
        "LastMarkerv2Color": "White",
        "LastMarkerv2Size": "3",
        "LastPaintbrushv2Color": "Black",
        "LastPaintbrushv2Size": "3",
        "LastPencilv2Color": "Black",
        "LastPencilv2Size": "2",
        "LastSharpPencilv2Color": "Black",
        "LastSharpPencilv2Size": "2",
        "LastPen": "Ballpointv2",
        "LastTool": "Ballpointv2"
"pdf_options": {
    "extraMetadata": {
        "LastFinelinerSize": "1",
        "LastPen": "Finelinerv2",
        "LastTool": "Finelinerv2"
"epub_options": {
    "extraMetadata": {
        "LastPen": "Highlighterv2",
        "LastTool": "Highlighterv2"

Mathpix options

To use the mathpix API you need to obtain personal tokens at https://mathpix.com/ocr (they have a free plan). Once obtained, the API tokens should be saved in the configuration as follows:

"mathpix" : {

The support for mathpix is currently experimental. Only one page at a time can be exported (via context menu in preview) and the data is sent in vector form, which means the eraser tool is ignored.


Once the configuration file contains the necessary info, you can run Remy by running

remy [SOURCE]

The option is the id of one of the sources defined in the configuration file. With no option, the default source will be selected.

The app displays the tree of the files in the main window and allows to search by name/type.


Double clicking on a PDF or notebook will open a preview window. Use the arrows to got to next/prev page. You can zoom in and out with + and - or mouse wheel. Ctrl+Left/Right rotates the view. The context menu shows some further actions. Pressing S increases the simplification of the lines, Shift+S decreases it (this is only a rendering effect, the notebooks are unaffected). This is just a preview of an experimental feature.

Export and rendering

PDFs are rendered in the previewer at a fixed resolution. The export function overlays the vectorial data from annotations to the original PDF so the quality of both is preserved.

The rendering of notebooks/annotations has been redeveloped from scratch. Features:

Planned features include:


From the tree view, select a folder (or deselect to select the root) and drag and drop on the info panel any PDF (multiple PDFs/EPUBs at once are supported, folders are planned but not supported yet). Alternatively, choose <kbd>Upload Here...</kbd> from the contextual menu of the destination folder.

Every source can in addition overwrite other global settings by using the settings key, for example you could have a per-source default export folder:

  "sources": {
    "source1": {...},
    "source2": {
      "settings": {
        "export": {
          "default_dir": "/path-to/love-letters"
  "export": {
    "default_dir": "/path-to/work"



This project is not affiliated to, nor endorsed by, reMarkable AS. I assume no responsibility for any damage done to your device due to the use of this software.
