

C++Now 2016 Presentations

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Tuesday, May 11

Morning (9:00-10:30)Keynote: Better Code
BetheBooz Allen HamiltonFlug
Morning (11:00-12:30)Flowz: Towards an EDSL for Digital Signal ProcessingTypegrind: Type Preserving Heap Profiler for C++C++14 Dependency Injection
Afternoon (2:00-3:30)Proper Inheritance (Part 1)CopperSpice: The Next Generation of SignalsPractical Performance Practices
Afternoon (4:00-5:30)Proper Inheritance (Part 2)Metaprogramming for DummiesMonoids, Monads and Applicative Functors: Repeated Software Patterns

Wednesday, May 11

BetheBooz Allen HamiltonFlug
Morning (9:00-10:30)C++14 Version of Boost.MSM-eUMLDiet for your Templates: Reducing Code Bloat in your Templated LibraryVariants: Past, Present, and Future
Morning (11:00-12:30)Come Stream With Me: Build Performant, Simple, Parallel Applications in C++ Using RaftLibDocumenting C++ Using the Right Toolsarray_ref: Multidimensional Array References for the C++ Standard Library
Afternoon (2:30-4:00)Pulling VisitorsThread-safe Observer Pattern: You're Doing It WrongMetaprogramming for the Brave
Afternoon (4:30-6:00)Implementation of a Multithreaded Compile-Time ECS in C++14Implementing a Lock-Free atomic_shared_ptrFriendship in Service of Testing
Design Patterns in the 21st Century

Thursday, May 12

BetheBooz Allen HamiltonFlug
Morning (9:00-10:30)Let's Make a Web Match-3 Game in C++14Multithreading is the Answer. What was the Question? (Part 1)Variadic Expansion in Examples
Morning (11:00-12:30)IoC++: An IoC Framework for C++Multithreading is the Answer. What was the Question? (Part 2)Implementing Static Control Flow in C++14
Afternoon (2:30-4:00)The Effective Structured Data Marshalling/Demarshalling Through Boost.Fusion Introspection in a High Performance Web ServicePreprocessor-Aware Automated RefactoringExceptional Performance
Afternoon (4:30-6:00)Extending C++ with Co-Array SemanticsProgress on Contract Support for C++17C++ Tool Support: Where We Are and Where We Are Heading
Why and How To Add Scripting

Friday, May 13

BetheBooz Allen HamiltonFlug
Morning (9:00-10:30)The Design of a New C++ Build ToolchainC++ Performance in Practice: Align, Vectorise, Cache, Jump!Goodbye Metaprogramming, and Hello Functional: Living in a Post-Metaprogramming Era in C++
Morning (11:00-12:30)Understanding Boost.BuildSimple Hand Written ParsersAn Interesting Lock-free Queue: Part 2 of N
Afternoon (2:30-4:00)HPX and GPU Parallelized STLThe Fiber LibraryImplementing tuple in C++17
Afternoon (4:30-6:00)What is the Basic Interface?The CPU Cache: Instruction Re-Ordering Made ObviousNo Sane Compiler would Optimize Atomics