C++Now 2015 Presentation
Tuesday, May 12
- Library in a Week: C++ Application Configuration
- Conference Keynote: Generic Programming with Concepts
- Parallel Computing: Strategies and Implications
- Testing (before deploying to millions of players)
- Your CPU Is Binary
- Functional Geometry: Producing Pure Spaces
- Lessons Learned
- Type Deduction in C++14 ||| ODP File
- Yomm11: Open Multi-Methods for C++11
- constexpr: C++ At Compile Time
- Biicode, a C/C++ dependency manager with a hosting service
- Boost 2.0
Wednesday, May 13
- Conference Keynote: Numerical Weather Prediction: Facing the Future with C++
- On the design and Boost-based implementation of two new C++ libraries for atmospheric research
- Thinking Portable: Why and how to make your C++ cross platform
- Why in heaven there is no dependency management for C++?
- Boost.Compute: A library for GPU/parallel-computing
- Developing EDSL's for Boost.Spirit
- Back to the Future
- Large-Scale C++: Advanced Levelization Techniques, Parts I & II
- switchAny - A Practical Exercise in Template Metaprogramming
- New Build System for New C++
- The Price of Shared Pointers or Why Passing them by-reference can be Useful
- Lightning Talks
- MessagePack(msgpack): A Compact and Fast Serialization Library
- Fun with with
- Clang on SOC
- Surviving and Thriving in a Multiplatform, Multilanguage, Multiproduct, Multisite Continuous Integration Environment
- Sequences from Streams
- Multimethod as dynamic C++ overloading.
- Currying and other Functional Constructs in C++
- General Relativity Applied to Coding Styles
- When APIs Break, What Can You Do
- Constexpr Include Joke
- for_each_arg
- make_unique and Restricted Constructors ||| Keynote File
- Access Tuple by Runtime Index
Thursday, May 14
- Conference Keynote: Ranges for the Standard Library ||| PPTX File
- A review of C++ 11/14 only Boost libraries - Fiber, AFIO, DI and APIBind
- Type-safe configuration library
- How we reason about procedural programs
- Modern generic programming using the Tick and Fit libraries ||| PDF File
- Functions Want To Be Free
- Boostache Exposed - the internals of Boost's template engine
- Lock-free by Example: Towards an Interesting Lock-free MPMC Queue
- Big Projects, and CMake, and Git, Oh My!
Friday, May 15
- Debugging using an exact recording of a program's execution.
- Details Matter
- The Rule of Seven (Plus or Minus Two): Modern C++ Boilerplate
- Parallelizing the Standard Template Library(STL) ||| PPTX
- C++ metaprogramming: a paradigm shift ||| (PDF)
- Fun with C11 generic selection expression
- IIFE In C++ For Performance and Safety
- Better Code: Concurrency
- Using Spirit X3
- An Overview on Encryption in C++
- C++17 coroutines for app and library developers