

Swagger code generator for InfluxDB 2.x client libraries

CircleCI License GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

This repository contains tools to re-generate API from InfluxDB swagger.yml.

Supported are following client libraries:


Next steps todo:


Makefile contains all needed

How to generate sources from updated swagger

  1. Make required changes in ./swagger.yml
  2. Build openapi generator make openapi-generator
  3. make generate-java, make generate-csharp, make generate-python, make generate-php will generates sources for specific client library.
  4. make generate-all - generate new API stubs from ./swagger.yml for all client libraries
  5. optionaly make check-all will try to compile and run tests for all client libraries
  6. make pr-java, make pr-csharp, make pr-python, make pr-php will create PR into specific client library