

Bonita Engine


Maven Central

Deploy, execute, manage applications made with Bonita Studio.

Using the Engine

The engine is included as part of either Bonita Studio or Bonita Runtime, and executes the BPMN process logic. The engine can however be included as a standalone dependency in a custom Application, as explained here

Running the Project


Java JDK 11 (to compile), and 11 (to run)

This project bundles the Gradle Wrapper, so the gradlew script is available at the project root.


Just run the following Gradle command:

./gradlew build

To be able to successfully build other Bonita components that use the Engine, run:

 ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Among other things, it also generates the javadoc used by Bonita Studio.

The command above runs all unit tests. To skip them, add the -x test option.


Version is declared in gradle.properties

To override the current version on build, use the parameter -Pversion like:

 ./gradlew -Pversion=7.9.3 <tasks>

Extra repositories

repositories can be added using comma separated list of repositories using property extraRepositories in format repo_name::repo_url

credentials can be passed using properties repo_nameUsername and repo_namePassword

it can be configured using -PextraRepositories= or gradle.properties file.

example of gradle properties set in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties


The same can be done for publishing repository (single repo) using property altDeploymentRepository

Running unit / integration tests

To run all unit + integration tests (on the default embedded H2 database), run the following command:

./gradlew test integrationTest

Project Structure

The project is composed of several modules. Unit tests are contained in the modules, integration tests are regrouped in bonita-integration-tests.

How to contribute

In order to contribute to the project, read the guide. To report an issue use the official bugtracker.