


Smart Card Library for LUA

This is a quick hack for development/scripting smartcard based on lua, user friendly debugging with ZeroBrane or others

#Based on:

  1. CardPeek

  2. Smart Card Digging Utilities,PC/SC Wrappers (Ilya O. Levin, http://www.literatecode.com)

  3. Others, see the header of each files

Compiling from source code

  1. Download all the files
  2. Open with visual studio (VS Community 2015)
  3. Compile dynamically against Lua V5.3 and openssl. (Compile lua5.3 and openSSL as DLL first) to avoid multiple VM Errors! The Lua53.dll and its lib could be downloaded from https://github.com/bondhan/LuaSmartCardLibrary/tree/master/lib_bin/lua53 while the openSSL you can get it from openssl.org
  4. Copy the DLL to ZeroBrane\bin, the same folder with Lua53.dll
  5. enjoy (see Manual)

#Manual: Quick and brief https://github.com/bondhan/LuaSmartCardLibrary/manual/lua_smartcard.pdf


Scripts can be found in folder scripts

  1. 02.DualCard.lua --> showing transactions between two cards and logging