


simple plugin implements smart-tab feature from Helix 23.10.

Smart Tab is a new feature bound to the tab key in the default keymap. When you press tab and the line to the left of the cursor isn't all whitespace, the cursor will jump to the end of the syntax tree's parent node.

This is useful in languages like Nix for adding semicolons at the end of an attribute set or jumping to the end of a block in a C-like language

Note for differences

I haven't used or looked inside helix's implementation. I just borrowed the idea, so behavior might differ from Helix's. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement.


    -- default options:
    -- list of tree-sitter node types to filter
    skips = { "string_content" },
    -- default mapping, set `false` if you don't want automatic mapping
    mapping = "<tab>",
    -- filetypes to exclude
    exclude_filetypes = {}

Manual Keymap

vim.keymap.set("i", "<tab>", require('smart-tab').smart_tab)

NOTE: this won't fallback to <tab>


  1. Press <tab> on insert mode.

  2. If cursor is at non-blank line, cursor jumps to end of the current node

    • If current node type is in skips, cursor jumps to end of it's parrent node

    • If cursor is at blank line, literal <tab> is inserted


Normal smart-tab.

let obj = {
    key = 1,| // <- press <tab> here
let obj = {
    key = 1,
}| // <- cursor moves to here

Smart tab with skipping some node types.

let str = "abc|de"
//            ^ press <tab> here
let str = "abcde"|
//               ^ cursor moves to here (skipping `string_content` node)

You can still insert <tab> on blank line.

let example3 = {
| // <- press <tab> in blank line
let example3 = {
    | // literal `<tab>` is inserted