

solution write-up is at: https://www.kaggle.com/c/gendered-pronoun-resolution/discussion/90334

paper is at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.01780

File descriptions

Training insturctions

  1. Run Step1_preprocessing.ipynb to generate augmented tsv files and extract features for dev, test and val
  2. Run Step2_end2end_model.ipynb to train the "end2end" model and save weights
  3. Run Step3_pure_bert_model.ipynb to train the "pure bert" model and save weights

Both step2 and 3 need to be ran 4 times, with all_train = True and False, and CASED = False and True respectively. Step2 and 3 will generate 5.11G weights files in total.

Inference instructions

  1. Run Step1_preprocessing.ipynb to extract features for stage2 data
  2. Run Step4_inference.ipynb twice to do inference for both subissions: all_train=True for sub_A, all_train=False for sub_B