

fusepm - A Fusetools package manager

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$ npm install -g fusepm


 Usage: fusepm [options] [command]


   install <module>  install fuse module
   list              modules in registry
   bump <release>    bump version
   fixunoproj        fix the unoproj
   npm <module...>   make npm module(s) ready for fuse (experimental)


   -h, --help                output usage information
   -V, --version             output the version number
   -p, --unoproj [filename]  Specify .unoproj file

CLI usage examples

List modules in registry

$ fusepm list
Registered fuse modules:

Install registered module

fusepm install gallery

You can also directly reference a git repo location:

fusepm install https://github.com/bolav/fuse-datepicker

The gallery module (library) will be installed by copying the git repo into fuse_modules/<account> where account is the git user account such as bolav.

The application .unoproj file will be updated with the following:

  "Projects": [
  "Excludes": [
  "FusePM": {
    "Dependencies": [

Each Projects entry will merge that project into the main project so it can be referenced as though it was part of the root project.

Updating module registry

Update the module registry with additional official/community modules in /registry/index.js. Make sure it always exports an Object where the keys are the names of each module and the value the URI for where to fetch and clone the files.

module.exports = {
  "datepicker": "https://github.com/bolav/fuse-datepicker",
  // ...

Local use and debug/development

Creating a library

The docs in uno-projects mention the concept of Fuse libraries.

"An Uno project can either be a library project consisting of assets and components for use in other projects, or an actual app project. The presence of an App class in the project indicates that the project is an app project."

The fusepm tool is a way to import Fuse libraries into your project using the following conventions.

A for a library to work with fusepm, it must have a <xyz>_include.unoproj file such as sqlite_include.unoproj in fuse-sqlite

The library <xyz>_include.unoproj file can include one or more .ux files without an <App> tag. These tags (components) will be available in the App .ux file of the application project just like if they had been created there. Libraries makes it easy to partition your app into smaller parts, such as a library per page or libraries for view components to be reused/shared across multiple apps.

Example: Creating loginscreen reusable library

loginscreen_include.unoproj file

  "Includes": [

LoginScreen.ux file

<Page ux:Class="LoginScreen">
  <Router ux:Dependency="router" />

Using LoginScreen from loginscreen library, imported into an app:

<PageControl Active="login">
  <LoginScreen ux:Name="login" router="router"/>

Alternatively you can include using ux:Include if the .ux file is completely self-contained

<PageControl Active="login">
  <ux:Include File="LoginScreen.ux"/>