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<!-- [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bokwoon95/go-structured-query/master/LICENSE) --> <h1>Hey! Development has stopped on this for a while. Please see https://github.com/bokwoon95/sq for the spiritual successor to this library. I will still support this library, but new features will not be added. For the main changes and how to migrate from go-structured-query to sq, see https://bokwoon.neocities.org/sq#migrating-from-go-structured-query</h1> <div align="center"><h1>sq (Structured Query)</h1></div> <div align="center"><h5>🎯🏆 sq is a code-generated, type safe query builder and struct mapper for Go. 🏆🎯</h5></div> <div align="center"> <!-- <a href="https://bokwoon95.github.io/sq/quickstart">Quickstart</a> --> <!-- <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> --> <a href="https://bokwoon95.github.io/sq/">Documentation</a> <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> <a href="https://bokwoon95.github.io/sq/basics/tables-fields-and-predicates.html#query-builder-reference">Reference</a> <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> <a href="http://bokwoon95.github.io/sq/#query-building">Examples</a> </div> <hr>

This package provides type safe querying on top of Go's database/sql. It is essentially a glorified string builder, but automates things in all the right places to make working with SQL queries pleasant and boilerplate-free.


Getting started

go get github.com/bokwoon95/go-structured-query

You will also need the dialect-specific code generator

# Postgres
go get github.com/bokwoon95/go-structured-query/cmd/sqgen-postgres

go get github.com/bokwoon95/go-structured-query/cmd/sqgen-mysql

Generate tables from your database

# for more options, check out --help

# Postgres
sqgen-postgres tables --database 'postgres://name:pass@localhost:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable' --overwrite

sqgen-mysql tables --database 'name:pass@tcp(' --schemas dbname --overwrite

For an example of what the generated file looks like, check out postgres/devlab_tables_test.go.

Importing sq

Each SQL dialect has its own sq package. Import the sq package for the dialect you are using accordingly:

// Postgres
import (
    sq "github.com/bokwoon95/go-structured-query/postgres"

// MySQL
import (
    sq "github.com/bokwoon95/go-structured-query/mysql"


You just want to see code, right? Here's some.


-- SQL
SELECT u.user_id, u.name, u.email, u.created_at
FROM public.users AS u
WHERE u.name = 'Bob';
// Go
u := tables.USERS().As("u") // table is code generated
var user User
var users []User
err := sq.
    Selectx(func(row *sq.Row) {
        user.UserID = row.Int(u.USER_ID)
        user.Name = row.String(u.NAME)
        user.Email = row.String(u.EMAIL)
        user.CreatedAt = row.Time(u.CREATED_AT)
    }, func() {
        users = append(users, user)
if err != nil {
    // handle error


-- SQL
INSERT INTO public.users (name, email)
VALUES ('Bob', 'bob@email.com'), ('Alice', 'alice@email.com'), ('Eve', 'eve@email.com');
// Go
u := tables.USERS().As("u") // table is code generated
users := []User{
    {Name: "Bob",   Email: "bob@email.com"},
    {Name: "Alice", Email: "alice@email.com"},
    {Name: "Eve  ", Email: "eve@email.com"},
rowsAffected, err := sq.
    Valuesx(func(col *sq.Column) {
        for _, user := range users {
            col.SetString(u.NAME, user.Name)
            col.SetString(u.EMAIL, user.Email)
    Exec(db, sq.ErowsAffected)
if err != nil {
    // handle error


-- SQL
UPDATE public.users
SET name = 'Bob', password = 'qwertyuiop'
WHERE email = 'bob@email.com';
// Go
u := tables.USERS().As("u") // table is code generated
user := User{
    Name:     "Bob",
    Email:    "bob@email.com",
    Password: "qwertyuiop",
rowsAffected, err := sq.
    Setx(func(col *sq.Column) {
        col.SetString(u.NAME, user.Name)
        col.SetString(u.PASSWORD, user.Password)
    Exec(db, sq.ErowsAffected)
if err != nil {
    // handle error


-- SQL
DELETE FROM public.users AS u
USING public.user_roles AS ur
JOIN public.user_roles_students AS urs ON urs.user_role_id = ur.user_role_id
WHERE u.user_id = ur.user_id AND urs.team_id = 15;
// Go
u   := tables.USERS().As("u")                 // tables are code generated
ur  := tables.USER_ROLES().As("ur")           // tables are code generated
urs := tables.USER_ROLES_STUDENTS().As("urs") // tables are code generated
rowsAffected, err := sq.
    Join(urs, urs.USER_ROLE_ID.Eq(ur.USER_ROLE_ID)).
    Exec(db, sq.ErowsAffected)
if err != nil {
    // handle error

For more information, check out the Basics.

For a list of example queries, check out Query Building.

Project Status

The external API is considered stable. Any changes will only be add to the API (like support for custom loggers and structured logging). If you have any feature requests or if you find bugs do open a new issue.




Why this exists

I wrote this because I needed a more convenient way to scan database rows into nested structs, some of which exist twice in the same struct due to self joined tables. That made sqlx's StructScan unsuitable (e.g. cannot handle type Child struct { Father Person; Mother Person; }). database/sql's way of scanning is really verbose especially since I had about ~25 fields to scan into, some of which could be null. That's a lot of sql Null structs needed! Because I had opted to -not- pollute my domain structs with sql.NullInt64/ sql.NullString etc, I had to create a ton of intermediate Null structs just to contain the possible null fields, then transfer their zero value back into the domain struct. There had to be a better way. I just wanted their zero values, since everything in Go accomodates the zero value.

sq is therefore a data mapper first, and query builder second. I try my best to make the query builder as faithful to SQL as possible, but the main reason for its existence was always the struct mapping.

The case for ALL_CAPS

Here are the reasons why ALL_CAPS is used for table and column names over the idiomatic MixedCaps:

  1. jOOQ does it.
  2. It's SQL. It's fine if it doesn't follow Go convention, because it isn't Go.
    • Go requires exported fields by capitalized.
    • SQL, being case insensitive, generally uses underscores as word delimiters.
    • ALL_CAPS is a blend that satisfies both Go's export rules and SQL's naming conventions.
    • In my opinion, it is also easier to read because table and column names visually stand out from application code.
  3. Avoids clashing with interface methods. For a struct to fit the Table interface, it has to possess the methods GetAlias() and GetName(). This means that no columns can be called 'GetAlias' or 'GetName' because it would clash with the interface methods. This is sidestepped by following an entirely different naming scheme for columns i.e. ALL_CAPS.

On SQL Type Safety

sq makes no effort to check the semantics of your SQL queries at runtime. Any type checking is entirely enforced by what methods that you can call and argument types that you can pass to these methods. For example, You can call Asc()/Desc() and NullsFirst()/NullsLast() on any selected field and it would pass the type checker, because Asc()/Desc()/NullsFirst()/NullsLast() still return a Field interface:

u := tables.USERS().As("u")
sq.Select(u.USER_ID, u.USERNAME.Asc().NullsLast()).From(u)

which would translate to

SELECT u.user_id, u.username ASC NULLS LAST FROM users AS u
-- obviously wrong, you can't use ASC NULLS LAST inside the SELECT clause

The above example passes the Go type checker, so sq will happily build the query string -- even if that SQL query is sematically wrong. In practice, as long as you aren't trying to actively do the wrong thing (like in the above example), the limited type safety will prevent you from making the most common types of errors.

It also means the query builder will never fail: there's no boilerplate error checking required. Any semantic errors will be deferred to the database to point it out to you.

Dialect agnostic query builder?

sq is not dialect agnostic. This means I can add your favorite dialect specific SQL features without the headache of cross-dialect compatibility. It also makes contributions easier, as you just have to focus on your own SQL dialect and not care about the others.