

Diseases risk analysing

<p><b>Currently, only COVID-19 disease is supported</b></p> http://www.covid-info.live <h2><b>About</b></h2> <p>This project is a system which includes tools for storing, updating, visualizing data related to viral epidemics</p> <p>The system can perform extrapolations of disease spreading, assessments about the number of potential carriers around, assessments of risks to be infected during given date period and to die relatively to person's age, a given comorbid (if exists) and medical situation in a given country</p> <h2><b>Data sources</b></h2> <h3>General</h3> * The world data bank (https://www.worldbank.org/): population stats, number of hospital beds number of nurses per country <h3>Disease-specific</h3> * @cipriancraciun repo (https://github.com/cipriancraciun/covid19-datasets/): post-processed Covid-19 datasets from JHU <h2><b>Disclaimer</b></h2> <p>This is personal research and it must be used only for informational purposes. Please, <b>do not</b> consider any assumptions which are done on this site as endpoint truth and <b>do not</b> do any serious conclusions.</p> <h2>Copyrights</h2> <p>UI is based on https://getbootstrap.com/ and https://colorlib.com/</p> <p>Backend is based on https://www.djangoproject.com/ and https://www.postgresql.org/</p>