This is the repo for AIM: Automatic Interrupt Modeling for Dynamic Firmware Analysis, an IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing paper.
A preliminary version of paper can be found here
Tested angr version: (9.2.40 and 9.2.55 may also be supported).
Create a virtual environement:
mkvirtualenv angr_9.2.40 -p /usr/bin/python3.8
Install dependencies in the virtual environment:
pip install angr==9.2.40 pandas monkeyhex IPython pygraphviz
Make the following modifications to angr (8, 20, 7, 27)
- in angr/analyses/ comment 744-746
#if state.history.jumpkind == 'Ijk_FakeRet' and le(final_states) > 1:
# Skip fakerets if there are other control flow transitions available
# continue
- add
allow_arch_optimizations = True
to line 78 at ./pyvex/lifting/
so that the context looks like
if opt_level < 0:
allow_arch_optimizations = False
opt_level = 0
allow_arch_optimizations = True
for lifter in lifters[]:
For angr 9.2.55, the same changes are needed, but at slightly diffrent places:
angr/analyses/ +772
pyvex/lifting/ +98
There is also an angr bug in hanlding floating point (angr version
claripy/ +357
fp -> fp.value
Run Experiemnts
Show usage by ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-m] [-b] [-u] firmware_name result_folder
positional arguments:
firmware_name firware name
result_folder folder to store results
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --no-mmio-printing
do not print MMIO
-b, --baseline -b: baseline mode 1, which uses P2IM's dumb interrupt
model. -bb: baseline mode 2, which fires no interrupt
-u, --unit-test mode for unit test cases
Launch experiments by ./ plc_r1 result_folder_name
To collect evalaution results, you can use the script under eval
Technical Support
Contact Bo Feng at Zhejiang University by bo.feng [at]
Consider Citing our paper
author={Feng, Bo and Luo, Meng and Liu, Changming and Lu, Long and Kirda, Engin},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing},
title={AIM: Automatic Interrupt Modeling for Dynamic Firmware Analysis},
keywords={Microprogramming;Hardware;Codes;Software;Firing;Registers;Fuzzing;Embedded device;firmware;testing;peripheral;interrupt;symbolic execution},